Guardians of The Scythe by Athenewolfe
Chapter: Chapter Twenty-Two - The Weapon

01/14/2008 11:37 pm
OH I loved it.

06/04/2006 09:24 am
Wonderful chapter! Anya certainly has her own way dealing with grief *grin*, though I hope for a reunion so Faith can go home. I wouldn't wish Andrew/Harmony on anyone... This is gonna prove to be one "weapon" Buffy is going to enjoy using!
*grin* I do love Anya's way of dealing with grief. Classic. I am glad that you liked the weapon scene *giggles*

02/24/2006 04:34 pm
Awesome and hot chapter update, Steph. Loved it! Sorry it took me so long to get to it, but dang was it worth it. {giggles}
LOL glad you liked sweetie - happy sigh!

02/14/2006 08:34 pm
love how this fic is going, and how easy the council was to defeat. can't wait to see how faith gets on, seems like she deserves a partner too??? thanks for the story
thank you! I have plans for Faith :-) She is definetly an intergral part of the story - i love her character. :-)

02/04/2006 04:19 am
Wow! Some new chapters for me...Thank you, Thank you! I have watched this on your site for so long hoping for more. Now, I can check more easily. Super job!
Your welcome! I am glad that you are enjoying the story - more should come soon - I am really enjoying writing the fic. Thanks so much for the review!

02/04/2006 03:52 am
OMG! I can hardly believe it! Buffy needs toys because Spike isn't enough? The sex is all about one-upmanship? Smutty chapter.
*giggles* Toys can enhance the fun! LOL - But come on... when have Spike and Buffy ever NOT been competative. LOL

02/04/2006 01:02 am
Ultimate tool indeed! Lovely little update, with delicious smutty goodness!
*grin* Well you know ... some things are just dangerous!

02/04/2006 12:50 am
*snort* Honey {Pot is hot :D

Damn good chappie
thank you hehehheheh