Guardians of The Median by emmee

09/16/2006 07:14 pm
Amazing chapter don't have the words to say how much I enjoyed it.
Being speechless is sometimes a good thing. Just means that words can't encompass. And hey! That's cool if my writing did that. Unless of course it's speechless in a bad way, which, it's not since you said you enjoyed it. And now you can see how it's easy for me to write the characters at times, because I babble incoherently just like they do. Thanks for the review!

07/17/2006 11:05 pm
OMG! that was incredible! It felt so real, raw and painful.*sniff* It was perfect and then you bring in Joyce and Buffy to convince him that it's not his fault, can't see it being any better. Amazing story.
you're still awesome verda! thanks! hope you continue to enjoy

04/14/2006 11:17 am
I really loved Joyce here. It's so cute that she referes to Angel as that Angel. And everything she said to Spike, and when she told Willow to keep an eye on 'her boy' was just wonderful. And Buffy giving Spike such a big hug was perfect. This whole chapter was great, but I really loved the ending.
Hi Robyn! I figured I'd just reply once for all your reviews... :)
Thank you SO much for all of them. I really really love to hear that people liked my work. I'm trying my darndest to keep everything as real as it can be while suiting them to my needs... hehehe. I hope you enjoy the rest of it as much! Thank you again!

04/08/2006 08:07 pm
Beautiful way to end the chapter. I loved it. {Grins} Your chapters are so full with so much. I love the bouncing back and forth from one dimension to the other. It adds a whole new perspective and slant on things.