Love Comes to Town by Soul of the Rose
Chapter: Chapter Thirty Seven - Trouble's Comin' Like a Train

07/24/2011 01:25 am
this sux.  hate it.

07/11/2010 07:00 am

07/22/2006 08:20 am
Riley is hysterical! He's doing ops to scout out Buffy's change in affections. LMAO. Serves him right what he gets an eyeful of. And Faith is truly scary. She's happy to go out killing...not thinking too clearly about the baby sister who will undoubtedly be horrified to be stuck near someone like that. This is fun having chapters to catch up on. :o)

06/26/2006 06:57 am
OK, not going to hurt Dawn, can understand it but it's going to end well is it. Not for Faith or Riley. 2 more and I'm caught up.

02/11/2006 08:19 am
more please! very happy to see a new update!

02/10/2006 09:29 am
I just caught up with this tonight! I feel like I haven't seen it for months but admit that just may be brain damage or blonde. Anyway, I'm thrilled to see it again so I can worry about WTF Aphrodite is up to; how vile is Riley going to become and how violent and nutso will Faith get? More story soon please.

02/10/2006 05:46 am
Riley is creepy. Scarily accurate characterization though. Just a touch more overbearing than on the show and he's another Angel. ;)
Thanks ;) I'm gleefully enjoying twisting Riley for my evil purposes. He's only going to get creepier from here... Mwahahahaha.

Thanks so much for sticking with the story & taking the time to review. It's very much appreciated.