Sins of the Father by Laura Siri
Chapter: Ch. 20- Spiral

08/27/2006 06:36 am
it's all starting to come together, isn't it? great chapter :)

02/19/2006 02:39 pm
great chapter

02/15/2006 03:59 am
Will Tara and Willow come to LA to help Bell? Will Buffy get a Scooby gang? More story please.
::Taps her fingers together evilly:: Oh, we're getting there. :) Thanks for reading, Marzbar...

02/15/2006 03:22 am
No, this isn't me reading your story. Nope. *shakes head* I'm actually writing my paper. *nods* Gah! Love this and am waiting *cough*impatiently*cough* for the next part. Quit teasing already! ^_^
Paper? What paper? ::whistles:: I don't see no paper. But thank you for reading! (And I'm almost done with the next chapter of Giftless, honest.) :)

just sue
02/14/2006 10:54 pm
Fantabulous chapter! Everything fit together hand in glove. Wonderful flow and oodles of plot. Yummy stuff, hun.

Can't help myself - more soon please.
Thanks Sue! I sometimes feel like I'm over doing it, but its all going to come together, I swear! ;)