One, Two,Three You're...Invisible? by slaymesoftly 08/10/2015 10:47 pm This was so much FUN! And I love the Warner Brothersish solution with the nerds! I'm glad you enjoyed it. I had fun writing it. :) 11/09/2012 10:20 am Just so you know I'm snickering to myself. This was hilarious! Made me feel a bit sorry for two of the three nerds (the third one is just someone who I'm incapable of not despising), although they are gross of course! About Xander! Him realizing nothing in canon version made very little sense to me... I mean the math was pretty simple and he's not exactly an idiot, so i always attributed it to willing denial. Also glad Buffy didn't pretend to have only met Spike recently. Thank you. I'm so glad I could make you laugh! :) Jags 02/04/2012 12:48 am that was so funny! bravo! Thanks. It was fun to write. alým 03/29/2008 08:39 pm *smiles* Loved this bit.You are one helluva author. Thank you, thank you. We aim to please. :) 10/25/2006 05:01 pm Two -- wow...that was hilarious...love how she turned the whole house invisible, and in the end faced up to her relationship with spike to xander....great fic, love ;) Thanks, DoS. It was a fun fic to write. 10/25/2006 04:50 pm One -- wow...wonder what warren's planning...odds are it's not of the good...love the little twist on smashed here, great start :) :) All4Spike 09/23/2006 11:56 pm Perfect, just perfect... We aim to please... Robyn 07/30/2006 10:15 pm This is such an entertaining version of that episode and I love that Xander was clued in on what was really happening. Thank you - ~*~Tasha~*~ 03/23/2006 07:24 am ROFLMAO !! Xander is such a moron at times. It can make him so very entertaining when he realizes things. I loved this story, and I chuckled big time. nice touch with eradicating their Figure collection into nothingness. thanks - chuckles were the intent. Time of Change 02/21/2006 01:11 pm Loved this. It's so much fun! :-) 02/21/2006 12:55 am I couldn't stop laughing, very good. thanks Laura Siri 02/20/2006 05:35 pm Oh, that was devine! I loved it. A cute and hysterical take on season 6.... Thank you! thanks - glad you liked sirc 02/20/2006 05:00 pm OH, what a great story. I love it!!! Thank you Lou 02/20/2006 12:26 pm A perfect concoction of sweet yumminess! thanks! just sue 02/20/2006 11:20 am What a delicious hoot! I really enjoyed that and it's a great way to start the day. Thanks ever so. Thanks - glad you liked it. Tamara 02/20/2006 07:54 am *snicker* Great story! I really loved it when Xander finally caught a clue. And how the heck did he manage to miss it in canon? Um - cause he's Xander? And dense. And living in denial? LOL 02/20/2006 06:58 am OMG! I was laughing so HARD! I love it! Much better than what the writers did! From your mouth to Joss's ears...? LOL Thanks, glad you enjoyed. 02/20/2006 04:49 am That was just awesome! Very original. Great work Patti! Thanks, BTL vladt 02/20/2006 04:19 am fun read, xander at the end is,just,xander. superb. thanks :-D 02/20/2006 04:16 am Hmm, me thinks that Warren is gonna get his ass grounded for losing the house...lol! It couldn't have happened to a nicer guy. This was, well, very weird. It was also amusing, which I really needed right about now. Those three are such little perv's, you wrote them really well. Good work=) Thanks! Irina 02/20/2006 04:01 am I loved the story! It was a really fun read. Fantastic ending! :D thank you. 02/20/2006 03:43 am That was absolutely great! I loved the story and them making the house invisible and the mother screaming in the shower made me laugh out loud! That and Xanders reaction! Can't wait to see what your wonderfully inventive mind comes up with next! Thank you. I'm glad it made you laugh. | |||
Disclaimer If you are under the age of 17, please use your head and do not read fics that are labeled "NC-17". Parents, I cannot control what your children are reading, so please be advised that the majority of the fics archived here are NOT suitable for those under the age of 17. I do not own Buffy the Vampire Slayer and I am in no way making any profit from this site. This is for pure entertainment purposes only. Concept: (c)bringonthebloodshed.com (2004), Code & Design: (c)Diabola (2006), Graphics: Selene & Always |