What Are Friends For? by bearfacedcheek
Chapter: Speaking out

06/14/2014 07:29 pm
Just... wow... Intense, and painful and so very Spuffy

09/03/2013 01:27 am
Lovely.  So much better than what was.


07/18/2012 12:06 am
Beautiful!  That's the job of best friends,  Now "Where do we go from here?".

11/06/2011 09:25 pm

lovely follow up - beautifully written, you conveyed so much emotion in a short fic that I was holding my breath as I read.

Thanks :-)
04/29/2010 07:22 am

buffy convert
07/01/2009 10:53 pm
     This was really a happy two stories for me, espcially since I've been reading some too-angsty ones lately. Love your Willow.
     My favorite stories have a good dose of Buffy & Willow as well as a great big dose of Spike. I pretty much like Spike any way at all - old & wise, teen-ish silly, sex-crazy, comrade-soldier. The only way I don't like him is TOTALLY evil (which he NEVER was onthe show) and too obscessed with Angel. How obscessed is too much I can't really say. 

11/10/2008 11:22 am

10/07/2008 04:40 am

wouldn't  it be great. if that happened on the show, loved it

03/23/2006 07:31 am
Wow, that was great! Truly awesome fic there. You handled the emotions very well, and it would have been nice if someone had straightened Buffy out after that little First Date chat.

03/17/2006 12:25 am
Really great sequel, I loved the confrontation between Buffy and Willow. Will pointing out the horribleness of Buffy’s actions, and Buffy trying to excuse it away, using real reasons, but in the end seeing the truth of her actions. And Spike walking in was perfect, and real.

02/23/2006 11:35 am
very nice

02/21/2006 07:19 pm
really loved the sequal, to bad willow was to afraid to do that in the show.

time of change
02/21/2006 12:57 pm
Ah, how I wish. Beautifully written.

02/21/2006 02:54 am
You're making me hate Joss W for what he did to Spike and also to Willow who was such a sweet, cute teenagr. Sighs.

02/20/2006 11:47 pm
I am just glad that this one time Willow stuck her nose in someone else's business.

02/20/2006 11:36 pm
Nicely done. If only this had happened on the show.

02/20/2006 11:07 pm
Nice take on a possible good and helpful Willow without an ulterior motive.

02/20/2006 10:48 pm
Loved this just as much on the re-read. If only.....

The form is pretty much whatever you want it to be. Reviewers can check if they want to be notified of an author's response, so if you do reply, you know those who are interested will see it. If you did it the way you did on BS/C (on long fics, anyway) and replied at the end of the chapters, you could save yourself some work. *g* I, personally, am going to hold my breath and turn blue until you reply to me...

02/20/2006 10:18 pm
I remember this from the LJ (and know I commented there), but had to say what a treat it is to read it again and to see it here! Love this story in all its parts.

Can't help on the comments question...I reply to all comments on my stories (so far) but I've commented with no reply from others. I guess it just depends. One thing you might like here is the "read count"....true you can't tell if they actually "read" (like a person buying a book doesn't really say it will be read)...at least you get the idea of how many people have shown some interest even if they didn't comment.

02/20/2006 06:49 pm
Really liked this little sequel. Thanks for writing it. As for replying when we leave a review, well, we do see your replies and they are important to the reader too. I always try to reply as a writer.

02/20/2006 06:38 pm
Loved this! I would have paid good money to see a scene like this, where she clearly told him how she felt, and he clearly belived her.

02/20/2006 06:10 pm
Good little story. It even made me like Willow a little lol. That's saying a lot, believe me ;)

02/20/2006 04:40 pm
that last was from me!

02/20/2006 04:38 pm
Such a good feeling story, loved Willows thoughs on Tara. Wish this had been how the series went.
thanks for the uplift

02/20/2006 04:34 pm
ohhh and for people who are signed in when they review there is a little box that says notify me if author replies... which means if you reply to the review the reviewer gets an email in thier inbox with your message in it.

02/20/2006 04:33 pm
great story! I respond to all my comments - as a reviewer you are more likely to review people who respond to you then who ignore you = even if all you say is thanks! *hugs* hope that helps!

02/20/2006 04:04 pm
ugh! wonderful, brought tears to my eyes!

02/20/2006 04:03 pm
Yay, Willow got it right!

02/20/2006 02:58 pm
Answering reviews is in your account area. Good story.

02/20/2006 02:42 pm
Gorgeous - brough a tear to my eye

02/20/2006 02:25 pm
very touching. loved the end :)

02/20/2006 02:25 pm
love it love it love it!!!!! I love the way you wrote this whole piece, perfect!!! You fixed the show!!! :) Very good characterization, good way of making Buffy face what she did to Spike!!! :)

02/20/2006 02:24 pm
Loved this story too! I always wished that Buffy would have pulled her head out of her a$$ prior to Chosen and admitted that she loved Spike! I can't wait to see what you come up with next!

02/20/2006 02:00 pm
Good job with Willow - her perseverance paid off.