The Garden of Good and Evil by Persephone
Chapter: Budding Alliances

04/28/2006 10:20 pm
Intruiging - I wonder what the vampiress is planning on doing to Spike.

03/04/2006 06:45 am
spike definitely has aproblem. tessa could be formidable, but harmony is helping. that is in spike's favor. fun read. like tessa. thanks
Thank you! Tessa has been fun to develop and work with, and you're right that Harmony helping Tessa is in Spike's favor. I hope you continue to like the story!

03/04/2006 05:36 am
and wasn't there a girl who came later... the one that belle morte sent... okay i'll stop now
Belle Morte? I'm not familiar with that name. Do tell! :)

03/04/2006 05:35 am
Oh yeah, I forgot about Nikolaos
She was definitely one of the weirdest characters I have ever read - I was expecting her to be more innocent, but she was evil.

03/02/2006 02:21 pm
ooohh...things are picking up..i still feel kind of sorry for harmony...the back story of tessa was beautifully written and fascinating...he did it to save her but he had no idea at the time about darla and angelus...if they got their hands on her, no wonder she hates him so much!!! this is not looking good...but i can't wait for more!!!
Thank you! The story is finally starting to pick up and will only get darker from here. You will have to wait and see why Tessa is so angry with William/Spike, but you're right in that it involves Angelus. I'm glad you're enjoying the story so far!

03/02/2006 01:17 pm
Uh oh, it looks like Tessa is out for blood! And she has dingy Harmony along for the ride, at least we know that with Harmony in the mix that the plan definitely won't work! She always bungled everything up! Please update soon!
Tessa definitely has a vendetta against Spike, mainly for reasons that will be brought to attention in the next chapters. Harmony won't be much of an asset to Tessa - you're right about that. I hope you enjoy the story!

03/02/2006 10:02 am
OMG it's CLAUDIA! *screams and runs* lol
LOL She is similar to Claudia, isn't she? She's also akin to a character from "Guilty Pleasures" by Laurell K. Hamilton, although Tessa is a bit more scary and dealt with worse treatment as a vampire. I didn't even think about the Claudia aspect until you mentioned it. I hope you're enjoying the story!