A Twisted Welcome by Oracleholly
Chapter: A Twisted Welcome

10/15/2012 04:07 am

Okay, it's a good start, but um, where's the rest? Is this just a part I of something?

11/05/2011 11:05 am

wow. absolutely LOVE this one-shot. If only the series had started like this! :D I hope you do continue with the prequel and sequel. thanks for a great read!

07/06/2011 01:49 pm
I always hope you would continue this one. I mean, this is a great idea! to begin all over again, but with spike as buffy's mate.
How did they meet? fall in love?
What will happen?

05/10/2010 08:03 am
Nice. Have you ever thought to continue this as a series? I think it is deffenitly something that would be interesting.

03/21/2010 07:11 pm
This is really interesting. Have you ever thought to continue it?

09/12/2009 05:06 pm
i absolutely luvd this! i really do wish u had written the prequel and sequel you were planning..

09/10/2007 07:44 pm
Wow That is interesting

05/17/2007 02:15 am
oh I love it, is there more.

03/03/2007 01:22 am
i loved it! i'm a little let down that you aren't continuing on though. i would have loved to read the rest! absolutely wonderful story though, too bad joss didn't use it!

02/13/2007 04:47 pm
Ooooh, nice :) Interesting idea :)

11/04/2006 12:14 am
I'll join in with everyone else to beg for any more you can give us in this 'verse... the thought of Buffy already being with Spike and seeing Angel for the pompous idiot he was is tantalising.

miranda 82
07/25/2006 05:06 pm
I would love to see a prequel AND a sequel to this fic!! =D

07/16/2006 05:40 am
Heh. Same story as Tasha's! Just reread this gorgeous little fic once more... I just *love* it! You should have seen my face when I first read it and got to the post-Angel/Buffy meeting twist... That is arguably the twist to end all twists!

Also, please add my name to the list of those who are looking forward to prequels, sequels, and all the rest. :-)

04/25/2006 04:05 am
Just had to reread this one today. I needed to get my fix of snarky and playful Buffy and Spike so that I could finish the next chapter of Living.
lol I'm glad that I could oblige. Soon, I'll be able to start on the prequel.

03/24/2006 11:26 am
This was really cool. I'd love to see a prequel as to how they met and ended up this way. Course a sequel would be awesome too, to see where this goes. I love it!
I plan on eventually doing both. Just have to find the time.

03/18/2006 05:21 am
*sigh* If only. Everything would have been sooo much better if it had happened this way. Loved it to pieces. Would you consider writing more stories in this verse? Either a sequel or prequel would be lovely.
thank you. and yes, more stories in this verse are in the works.

03/17/2006 06:22 am
This one is killing me because it has so much potential, A sequel would be welcome;))) *falls down on my knees* please???? gimme a sequel!
it's in the works, just have to find the time

03/07/2006 09:07 pm
sad to see this as just one chapter long. would love to see more. awsome story

03/07/2006 05:31 am
SQUEE!!! If only we had gotten this at the beginning!! Love your twist and the thought of Spike/Buffy being together from the get go. Great job!!
Thank you Esther! I appreciate your review.

03/04/2006 09:35 pm
squeee....I love it...I can't wait to read more...*squeak*

Thank you!

03/04/2006 07:06 pm
OOo lovely beginning. I like the plot so far. Just wish on screen Buffy had been as observant of Angel...tee hee. Interested to find out how they got together and what happened to Dru too.

*huge smile* Thank you. You know it was supposed to be a one-shot... but I suck at those. lol It's in my head, just have to get it out of there. *bats the cobwebs down*

03/04/2006 03:17 pm
This fic = totally awesome. I can't wait to read more (if you're planning to write more?). I love it.
Thank you! More is in the works, just as a separate piece.

03/04/2006 01:45 pm
pretty cool...i like this beginning...very interesting twist on season one...looking forward to more :)
thank you!

Pulchra Nex
03/04/2006 12:27 pm
oh I love this! It's a complete new view on things! I hope you'll write more of it...
thank you!

03/04/2006 11:53 am
fantastic start, i hope you continue. Spike,Buffy and Joyce are now a complete familly. She will now always care for Spike more then the scoobies,angel or giles, since he was there first.
I wouldn't worry so much about darla or luke, darla's not a good fighter for her age, and luke lost his brain somewere along the way if he ever had one.
No, Luke would have never won any mensa contests.

03/04/2006 04:52 am
Now that kicked ass! Definitely like secret agent vamp.

Loved Buffy's inner assessment of the Poof. This sooo needs more!
You'll get more! Just give me some time to write it. I'm happy you liked it.

03/04/2006 04:04 am
ugh! wonderful ficlet! i loved it!
I can never just write a one-shot! *wink*

03/04/2006 02:09 am
Wonderful twistage. I love that Joyce already knows and likes Spike.
Thanks CoE!

03/04/2006 01:54 am
I would love to read more of this story..how they met etc..I really enjoyed reading this story.
Thank you so much for reviewing. A prequel is in the works.

03/04/2006 12:58 am
really like this approach. how did it come about? nevermind. just get on with this interesting fic. thanks for the read
Vladt - I'm working out the plot for a prequel to answer that very question.

03/03/2006 11:48 pm
hey i really like this twist...updat soon.N
It's a one-shot for Twisted_Spuffy, but I am planning on expanding it with a prequel and perhaps sequel.

03/03/2006 11:18 pm
This was really great and I would love to see more.
Thank you! Give me some time to whip up something.

03/03/2006 09:59 pm
oh we sooooo need more
tee hee Thanks!

03/03/2006 09:53 pm
This is very strange. Nice to see Spike, Buffy and Joyce making nice already along with ignoring Captain Forehead. I have to wonder how all that happened though so I'm hoping for more story soon.
Thank you Marz. I have decided to do the prequel, so you'll find out then.

03/03/2006 08:02 pm
I love it!!! I can't wait for more!!
Thank you!

03/03/2006 06:28 pm
Ooh! I like it. I can't wait for more.
Thank you!

03/03/2006 06:15 pm
had to read it again and again lol it's just that good lol
You are just too cute!

03/03/2006 05:22 pm
Well this certanly promises to be different, I think I'm gonna enjoy this one.
Thank you!!! "different" is the best adjective.

03/03/2006 04:57 pm
oh no no no no no, don't you do that to me...not finished...I seriously want more of this! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE not afraid to beg!
It was written as my "twist" for Twisted_Spuffy, but I'm terrible at writing one-shots. *wink*

03/03/2006 04:41 pm
This is really good - can't wait to hear the backstory of how Buffy and Spike met up.
Thanks! Got it in my mind, just need to get it into print.

03/03/2006 04:07 pm
You are continuing this, right? really good twist, holly. I seriously enjoyed the idea that Spike was her boyfriend and that Joyce was in the know. And that they both already know about the Harvest and Angel's just blowing very confusing smoke and wasting everyone's time. yep, another chapter when you're ready thanks!
Happy you enjoyed it. Well, Megan, this was supposed to be a one-shot for Twisted_Spuffy... but... more is in the works.

03/03/2006 03:41 pm
Oh tell me you have plans on twisting some more episodes with this story. This is awesome! I am extremely curious on the backstory here now! Continue, pretty please.
Some evil plot bunnies do exist. *grin*