The Garden of Good and Evil by Persephone
Chapter: Even Good Girls Get Punished

04/28/2006 10:40 pm
oh no they killed Dawn - how horrible *looks upset*

03/29/2006 05:28 am
Oh how could you kill off Dawnie! I do not foresee a happy ending at this stage with this event. Wondering where you will go from here?
There's definitely going to be a happy ending - there's a lot of evolution ahead in the fic to get it there. You'll have to read on to see what else happens :)

03/19/2006 05:22 pm
just read all the chaps of this story. it's sad that dawn died but i can't wait to see what happens when tessa and spike see each other. I like tessas character horrible what happened to her at the hands of dru angel and darla. Would send you nuts to find that out. Hope you continue soon.
Thank you for taking a chance and reading the story so far! You'll have to wait and see what happens when Tessa and Spike are reunited, and I agree that Tessa's past definitely wasn't a good one. I hope you continue to enjoy the fic!

03/09/2006 12:36 pm
And she wonders why no one takes her seriously, I mean if some minions did that while Angelus or Spike were running things they would not live long. Maybe a bit of torture first but definatly no more walking around for those that didn't follow orders I would say :)
You're very right - no more being Miss Nice Vamp with her minions LOL

03/06/2006 12:51 pm
oh no!! they killed her?? Poor Dawnie!!! oh wow this is awful!! spike and buffy and joyce are all gonna be devastated!! wow this story is so sad!!! but very well-written..can't wait for the next update!!
Thank you! Yes, Dawn was killed, and now it is time for Joyce, Buffy, and Spike to find out about it and deal with it as best they can. I hope you continue to enjoy the story!

03/06/2006 07:58 am
Okay, never liked Dawn but that's said and is Buffy going to go all Catatonic Barbie again?
I haven't ever really liked Dawn, either, so she was my top choice to have die in the story. Buffy isn't going to go catatonic, per se, but she won't react well at all to the news. You can be sure, though, that Spike will be at her side to help and comfort her.

03/06/2006 07:47 am
Poor Dawn. Great update though. Can't wait for more.
Thank you! I hope you will continue to read the story despite Dawn's death.