Ring of Fire by TalesofSpike
Chapter: Chapter 4:01

08/23/2007 02:30 am
OH that was good, I thought Spike wanted to know.
Thanks, honey!

08/28/2006 01:44 am
Despite the mayham they did seem to bond a little more. It will make things a lot easier in the long run since Nothing short of death is going to stop the wedding. Great work, love the read, thanks.
Lol! Yep, that wedding is going to happen... even if it's not until Chapters 97-100 of the book after next. I'm glad you're enjoying it.

Thank you!

07/16/2006 03:15 am
i love the way they all relate to each other..another excellent chapter :)
Thanks, honey!

This bit really is more about the relationships than any bad guys. I'm glad you like it.

06/27/2006 05:58 pm
Gah *rolls eyes* can Dawn be more of a brat these days! Very lovely chapter!
Hee! Thank you. Hopefully a chapter or so down the line, it'll become more understandable.

03/10/2006 06:19 pm
Buffy is right about replacing smoking with other fun things that are not placebos. I hope we will see more of Clem's family, especially Lily. More story please.
I'm glad you're enjoying the story. You'll definitely be seeing more of Lily, Marie and Rosa. They'll be around until the very end.