Present Childe by Ariel Dawn
Chapter: Damsel in Distress

09/17/2006 12:06 am
oh come on!!!!! giles and faith need to get over it....they're so ignorant sometimes....grrr...
yep, sometimes they are

04/09/2006 04:30 am
Stupid people! Why can't they just leave Buffy and Spike alone/ I just want to beat them up. Grin great update - love how you twisted this episode to create the strorylin. Excellant excellant! *hugs*

03/13/2006 11:54 pm
excellent chappie Luv, can we beeat the shit out of Giles and Faith now??
Go right ahead wulfie, lol

03/13/2006 08:12 pm
Evil cliffie! Is Faith too stupid to know who just saved her life? More story please.
lol, yes Faith isn't the brightest crayon in the drawer