The Garden of Good and Evil by Persephone
Chapter: In Her Hands

04/28/2006 11:11 pm
stupid scoobie - growls - very interesting story!

03/16/2006 12:17 am
good update. no, actually any up date with xander being hit by spike has to be considered better than good. thanks for the read.
Thank you! I felt compelled to have Spike punch Xander because he was being a bit awful. I'm happy you enjoyed it!

03/15/2006 01:42 pm
Nice plot but I think Joyce would be a bit more upset by her daughter's death. She seemed too calm. Also, Giles has done a bit of a 180. First he trusts Spike then he doesn't. Not really enough justification for this character development.
Just a few thoughts.
I don't disagree that Joyce would be more upset about her daughter's death, but I think she'd be just as afraid for her life. Giles changing his mind a lot about Spike was undoubtedly influenced by Xander. Also, I would think that after one kidnapping, he wouldn't be so worried that Spike did it because things didn't match up, but after two kidnappings, no one can be too sure, even a grown man like Giles.

03/15/2006 08:20 am
Well I guess that Dawns blood falls squarly on the hands of Angelus really. Hmm Tessa also seems to remind me a bit about Kirsten Dunst character in "interview with a vampire".
Yes, I'd agree that Dawn's blood does fall on Angelus' hands - great way of putting it. Tessa is a bit like Claudia in "Interview With a Vampire", although I think she's a bit more evil.

03/15/2006 06:52 am
Hmmm. I presume that Joyce is bait. Buffy's friends are still fun though.
Joyce is definitely bait and won't get hurt - I think everyone likes her too much to want to see her be harmed. Who knows if anyone else will be taken away, though.

03/15/2006 04:52 am
ugh, totally hate the scoobies like usual... loved xander getting a broken nose tho he deserves more...
Yes, he definitely deserves more - he was being awful. Things will get better amongst everyone soon, though, I promise.

03/15/2006 03:27 am
good for spike!! glad he socked xander in the nose, he deserved it! glad tessa's not gonna hurt joyce...i hope not anyway...and glad that buffy's sticking up for spike instead of taking her friends' side against him...could tessa maybe target some of them next?? lol ... like xander or giles?? guess that wouldn't hurt spike much, would it?? lol GREAT update!!!
It was definitely a good thing for Spike to hit Xander - he deserved it. Tessa won't hurt Joyce - don't worry. You'll have to wait and see if Tessa turns her attention to either Giles or Xander in the future. I hope you continue to enjoy the story!