The Weight of Forever by Chelle
Chapter: The End

01/12/2014 11:14 am
What a great Spuffy series - great reading this again.  Wonderful treatment on all of the characters.  

I'm impressed I couldn't guess where the story was
03/28/2010 02:08 pm

07/10/2008 07:22 am
Amazing to see the sides of Buffy and Spike that you brought forth.  I very much enjoyed your hard work and the emotions brought out by their stubbornness and their love.  Powerful feelings between those two and having her sing for Lorne was sooooooooo very over the top touch my heart and make me cry beautiful, little writer!!  I was sorry that they fell to hitting again.  Buffy definitely needed to beg forgiveness on that one.  Good work my dear and thank you for it.  I like the relationship they have.  I particularly liked the reference to the other story--I find Spike to be awesomely appealing when he is in Alpha mode with the "you will not ..."   "You will do (thus and such) as I say!"  He is so potent when he is being his "yes you think I'm sexy..." riff.  A little John Wayne in my monster, yeah, that's it, pilgrim.
Loved the attendant characters--sorry Miles got killed, really expected Melissa to be one of the evils.  The little boy character was precious.  Thanks again.

02/01/2008 03:16 am

06/10/2006 07:11 am
i love your portrayal of angel in this fic...i forgot to mention it on the last chapter, but the way he rented that movie and was such a friend to her and all...very good :) excellent ending to a great tale :)

04/13/2006 10:19 am
Loved this story both parts! Loved how you ended it with Angel accepting their relationship.

03/26/2006 03:33 am
wow - i'm in awe of this story and the prequel chelle. you have matured in your writing so much over the years. this story is simply beautiful. these 2 fics are some of the very best post-chosen ones i have read. this story touched me deeply and i want to thank you for writing it. more than that, i cannot say because you have rendered me practically speechless. awe inspiring what you did with these 2 stories. thank you for sharing them with us.

03/20/2006 01:53 pm
This story was so very well done. I loved the progression of Buffy and Spike's relationship. Both of them coming to terms with the needs or fears of the other, and her finally allowing him in in every way, shape, and form. And I loved how he gave her luggage away as a precautionary measure.

03/17/2006 04:16 am
I cried a lot while reading this story and the weight of love, and when I say a lot, it's actually all the way through. Thank you;)

03/17/2006 01:05 am
I'm glad you did a sequel.I thought Spike was stupid for leaving Buffy.
I did, too! Darn his hide! Thanks for reading it!