Testing Please by Glory
Chapter: 9

10/17/2006 09:34 am
That a girl Willow, she did a great job covering. Maybe now he'll leave them alone. What's with Travers? A spell? Vest? Try shooting him in the leg!. This another test for the slayer? Glad I've got 5 more chapter to catch up on. Thanks for the great chapter.

10/17/2006 03:25 am
eek. Great chapter. I love Buffy's interaction with Spike in this chapter.

03/20/2006 10:08 am
I. Hate. Travers. But then don't we all. This is a really great chapter, I love Spike and Buffy working together, and poor Willow having to keep up the spell. Thanks for the chapter. :)

03/18/2006 11:14 pm
Still liking it. Great update!

03/17/2006 10:14 pm
Two updates! And here I thought I checked for updates too often...
Great chapters, both of them. Can't wait to see what the trap is.

03/17/2006 09:07 pm
Well, isn't Riley the creepy bastard. Speaking generally, it's actually pretty amazing how much of a bad guy he can be made into while keeping strictly within canon.

03/17/2006 06:26 pm
I just don't know what they are going to be able to do now. I just hope they figure this all out before something else major happens. Hope Willow can get rid of Riley.

03/17/2006 03:47 pm
Ooooh, loved both chapters!!! That ending is really interesting and I can't wait to find out more!!

03/17/2006 02:26 pm
great chapter

03/17/2006 12:36 pm
I really hate that guy! Now what has he done? More please!

03/17/2006 09:22 am
He's got a warding spell up? Or is this a Travers-bot?

03/17/2006 05:39 am
Eeeeek!! Is that creep Travers a demon or a warlock? BTW, Willow outdid herself with that spell. More story please.

03/17/2006 05:36 am
oh no! what the hell?... *whimpers* evil Travers!

03/17/2006 05:16 am
Uh oh, an invincible Travers...have I ended up in a hellish paralell universe that no one has told me about? This can't be good! I am dying to see what happens next!

03/17/2006 05:09 am
oh no...what's up with travers?? what a cliffie!!! i need the next chapter now!!!

03/17/2006 04:43 am
travers and riley should be locked up with darla and dru for a century or two. good read. thanks for the update.

03/17/2006 04:07 am
uhoh, someone distract Riley fast!!!! Need that ditz Harmony to show up about now.

Uh oh, Travers is being a tricky Dicky. LOL

03/17/2006 03:52 am
Buffy beat him down pweeeeeease