The Garden of Good and Evil by Persephone
Chapter: Family Reunions

04/28/2006 11:16 pm
tessa is such a contradiction - and how dare angel and darla not tell the full truth - growls - can't wait to see who all dies!

03/19/2006 09:43 pm
Hmmm. Once again, Angelus is lying his eyes out in order to avoid any responsibility whatsoever for Tessa and her madness. Maybe Joyce will help clear up some issues. More story please.
Joyce will definitely fill in a few blanks for everyone, but not all of them, especially the more important ones. Angel will admit the truth soon, and you'll have to wait and see what happens after that. I hope you continue to enjoy the fic!

03/19/2006 08:14 am
Hmm so Angel is lying with his shiny soul. I think that he would fess up seeing as he distanses himself from what Angelus did.
I think Angel would fess up if he knew that he wouldn't be staked for admitting what Angelus did. I don't think he's too sure of how Buffy would react, but she'll find out very soon. I hope you continue to enjoy the fic!

03/19/2006 06:34 am
very good chapter. even with the death of dawn, you present tessa so sympathetically, that is extremely difficult to seek her destruction. it is so much easier(and right) to scream for angel dust. very good read. thanks
Thank you! I'm glad that it's hard not to be sympathetic towards Tessa in the fic - that was my goal. On the other hand, though, I think it's hard to be understanding, too, when it comes to her. Either way, you'll have to wait and see who gets dusted in the upcoming chapters.

03/19/2006 03:37 am
the ending of this chapter is glad she let joyce go...i like the way you write darla....perfectly in character...can't wait for the next update!! :)
Thank you! We needed a bit of sweetness in the fic to break up all of the drama. I'm glad I'm writing Darla okay - I think she can be tricky. I hope you continue to enjoy the story!

03/19/2006 03:34 am
Even with souls they're both complete wankers.... please tell me there's dustage in the future of Angel and Darla? please please please
Yes, they really are, but the truth will come out very soon. You'll have to wait and see what happens to Darla and Angel, but I'll give you a hint - things won't end well for them.