In League With Serpents by weyrwolfen
Chapter: Mi Cripta Es Su Cripta

03/24/2006 05:22 pm
Good idea to have Tara stay at the crypt for a bit. She and Spike are good for each other.

I enjoyed the conversation between Spike and Anya very much.
Spike and Tara just seem to work as friends in my mind, regardless of their lack of any such relationship on the show. I always wished that we saw more interaction between Spike and Anya too, because I think their arcs were somewhat similar and the play would have been interesting. I'm glad you're enjoying my spin on things. Thanks for reviewing!

03/23/2006 06:34 am
Oooh, the beautiful and generous Big Bad. I hope that Willow cannot hear Meret because it will make it easier for her to track down Tara and/or Spike and do more serious damage. Thank you so much for the latest and more please.
Spike, for all his posturing, always seemed to have a chivalrous streak a mile wide. Never fear, more is on the way! Thanks for reviewing!