Cycle of Rebirths by weyrwolfen
Chapter: Rescues

07/13/2006 08:40 pm
Both girls have their wounded warriors. . . . hav I mentioned how much I love how you've wovent together the two stories?
It was fun to write, and I'm glad you're liking it. Thanks!

03/23/2006 07:10 am
Nice job on the Initiative and with the dusting of Orochi. The attempt to rescue Cardbored however, not so good. Poor Spike. More story please.
I wondered how Orochi's death would be taken. Anything else seemed like it would undermine Kaede and Takeshi. Sorry you didn't like the way I tied up Riley's loose end. Thanks for reviewing!

03/23/2006 03:57 am
good update, except for not leaving riley to rot. thanks for the read.
Oh I don't know. I did kind of leave him to rot. Just not egregiously. Thanks for the feedback!

03/23/2006 01:11 am
Good chapter.I like that Buffy just left Riley there.I am currently freezing in my house.
Stupid western Pennsylvania weather with the snow in March during spring.(Earlier I was so hot,I could barely stand it and now I'm freezing.I'd rather be hot than cold,but I prefer to be warm.)I haven't really found any good Spuffy fanfics in awhile, and yours is one of the best. Update soon.
I'm glad you like the fic so much. It was certainly a fun one to write. Sorry about the cold. I'm actually dealing with the polar opposite thanks to a runaway heating system at work. Oh well. The last chapter's up now. Thanks for reviewing!