Belonging by DreamsofSpike
Chapter: Change of Plans

06/16/2006 07:07 pm
I like Aaron. And I'm soooo glad someone finally thought about removing Spike's chip eventually. I really hope that happens. I think it will go a long way towards making him feel like Buffy's equal.
yes, it will, and it will help him a lot.. thanx ;)

04/03/2006 08:48 am
I'm really glad that Aaron is going to help, I have a funny feeling that they just might need it. I'm really glad that Spike is there for Buffy when she finally has time to deal with the line she crossed by killing his tormentor. Thanks for the great chapter.
i think you might be right...yeah, it's gonna be hard on her to deal :)

04/01/2006 05:07 am
Oh, Aaron to the rescue! This should get interesting... I wonder how the bully guards will cope when confronted by a vampire that can actually behave like a vampire!? I'm hoping that Spike and Buffy aren't in NEED of rescuing but the extra help will be good.
lol...that would be funny to see, wouldn't it? thanx for the review :)

03/31/2006 10:34 pm
good update to an excellent read. thanks
thanx :)

03/31/2006 06:00 pm
Although we have different views on Buffy killing that soldier, I think you displayed the aftermath nicely. She still hasn't dealt but that can't be considered at this point, of course. I'm curious how you will describe it when all of this drama with Anya is over.
Another great chapter!
thanx so much, yeah she hasn't had to deal with it really yet but she will later :)

03/31/2006 04:07 pm
good chappies....i really hope they make it out of there without anybody dying!!
thanx :)

03/31/2006 02:24 pm
Good old Aaron - I think they'll need him.
you're probably right :)

03/31/2006 02:17 pm
Are all these people cowards, or what? Why doesn't Giles go, too? He can fight and Willow can do some mean spells. Jeesh. Loving the story. Waiting semi-patiently for Riley to get beat within an inch of his life.
oh yeah, he will i promise!! :) but they're dealing with like hundreds of well-armed well-trained soldiers...i dont think it'd be wise to get *everybody* caught if something went wrong...thanx for the review

03/31/2006 12:37 pm
*hugs* excellant story sweetie! runs off to update on web - I don;t know how you keep coming up with this wonderful twists and turns but I am so glad you do - happy sigh
thanx so much, glad you are enjoying it :)

03/31/2006 11:23 am
looks like spike got his wish huh! hoping for an action filled next chap
hope not to disappoint you :)

03/31/2006 08:34 am
This is sooo good JL, I am in awe of your ability to capture raw emotion and put it into words. The duality of emotions that your Spike is suffering through wrings my heart. Thank you.

More please.
thanx so much, your kind words mean a lot :) glad that even a basically plot-moving chapter like this could touch you :)

03/31/2006 07:17 am
And into the lion's den...
I'm intrigued to see how those at home are going to react when Aaron finds the dead bodies.
yeah, that should be an interesting reaction :)

03/31/2006 06:57 am
EEEEEK!.. poor buffy and go aaron!!
yeah they do need some help :)

03/31/2006 04:37 am
I just wanted to say that I have a very bad feeling about this whole situation. I think that it is a huge trap, but I can't figure out who the rat in the house is, you know? I think it is one of Giles' Vamps, but which one? I don't think it is Aaron, but I am still not sure. VERY good chapter. I can't wait for more!
as usual, you are quite perceptive, though i wont say anything as to who is or isn't on their side ;) thanx for a great review :)