In League With Serpents by weyrwolfen
Chapter: Flying Blind

05/04/2010 12:44 pm
Glad to see Buffy finally has a larger part in the story. Though I love the idea of Meret I have to agree the lack O' Spuffy was getting kinda annoying after the fourth or fifth chapter. But I kept reading anyway and I found I enjoyed it anyway, but still glad we're finally getting down to the heart of the matter  lol.

04/26/2006 05:57 am
There were few beings, human or demonic, who could rival Spike in terms of sheer determination.

Isn't that the truth? He's always come thru, no matter what the situation; whether stuck in a wheelchair or thrown out by his sire, hobbled by secret forces or burdened by his own soul -- every time he comes out on top. How could you not love an underdog like that?
Funny how a vampire, on a show about a protagonist that kills vampires, became the poster child for underdogs. Just another sign of the character's ability to adapt. ;-)

04/01/2006 04:43 pm
Good chapter.I like Vulnerable! Spike.Update soon.I have this story in my head that is set post NFA.Angel has gone insane following the battle,and Spuffy have to take care of him.They're also dealing with Buffy's third pregnancy in two years.(In the story they have two daughters named Taryn and Willa.The two work fast even if all three of her pregnancies were a surprise.)
Hey, if you like the idea, I say write it.

Thanks for reviewing!

04/01/2006 01:43 am
I gotta say, I love this story. At first I was annoyed that there wasn't enough spuffy, but now, I'm just looking forward to the story. Great job!
I wanted this story to be more "for the love of Buffy" than "Buffy-love." Sorry that bugged you at first and thanks for giving the story a chance. Thanks also for the review!

04/01/2006 12:16 am
Interesting final line.

A good chapter. I like Spike's tenderness in pulling Meret's feather and the camraderie with Buffy that is developing. The softening of the Scoobies is also rewarding.
I'm afraid that I am a fan of the cliff hanger. Hopefully I'll avoid being pelted with rotten fruit by the end. Thanks for reviewing!

03/31/2006 08:48 pm
ACK!! That is an evil cliffie. I was reading along with the partners in slaying and the money and then . . . . Spike let his guard down?!?

Thank you for the quick update but I need more fast, please. (Begging here.)
Beware the evil cliffies from here to the end. I'll be updating again soon. Thanks for reviewing!

03/31/2006 07:56 pm
wiiiiiiiiiiii buffy plus spike makes me happy and a happy me is reviewing me heheh....i soooo toooootalllyyy loved this chapter...*grin*
Good to know that you liked it. ;-) Thanks for reviewing!