Something to Sing About by Lilachigh
Chapter: Chp 7 You Will Not Die!

05/30/2010 01:25 pm

10/28/2006 07:15 am
She must be going out of her mind. Spike's child, he hasn't even thought about it yet, only thing he's worrying about is keeping her alive. Great chapter.

04/24/2006 04:42 am
very good update to a fascinating tale. any chance buffy wiil actually listen to spike? thanks for the read.

04/07/2006 10:24 pm
why can't Buffy just see it as a baby? u know a kid, her kid? more soon please

04/06/2006 09:54 am
God - why won't she listen to him? I thought she liked him in this Sunnydale.

04/05/2006 11:23 pm
What happened to Chapter 8? The Chapter 8 posted here gave me serious deja vu for Chapter 7.

I hope they figure out how to kill Ben and keep the baby. More story please.

04/05/2006 09:49 pm
This is a great chapter. I really like that she knows that she loves Spike even if she won't admit it. I also like that part of her turmoil is that she feels that she is carrying some ‘devil thing’ and what she would love for this child to be hers and Spike’s. We know that she loves Dawn, but with her referring to this child as a ‘devil thing’ it makes me wonder what she deep down thinks that Dawn is. It is too bad that she has learned so well how to hide and control her emotions, to be the slayer, and has never found the middle ground between being Buffy and being the slayer, that she has never truly found herself. For her it is either one or the other, and because of that she suffers because she has never found balance in her self. Hopefully Spike will be able to reach her and she will let him help her with this new threat, and perhaps it will also help her truly find who she is.
Thank you for great review. Yes, I’ve always thought she accepted Dawn far too easily, even with the ‘memories’. I think she loves Dawn, but you can love and hate at the same time. And there is a logical side to Buffy that would be saying what about DNA and stuff?

Catch next chp on LJ soon.