Fun With Dick and Kate by Oracleholly
Chapter: Much Ado About Dick

Hysterical. Perfect timing for me. Thx. :-)
06/14/2010 01:49 pm

11/26/2006 04:53 pm
Great chapter, loved Spike's comments.

04/07/2006 02:27 am
just the laugh i needed today. thank you, very, very much. loved it.
you are welcome!

04/06/2006 10:35 pm
ROFL!! Oh my gosh ... how did he lose his penis? Even Angel wouldn't be stupid enough to leave that "lying" around. LOL. This is too funny. I can't wait for more. You have me in stitches. I wonder why Buffy showed up.
How Angel lost it will be discovered later on. All will be reveiled. *evil grin*

04/06/2006 10:12 pm
This was milk gushing outta nose funny!! Loved it!!
*hands you a napkin* glad you are enjoying it.

04/06/2006 09:42 pm
it's even funnier the second time...more please, please, please
Yay! A second read! :D

04/06/2006 09:40 pm
Rofl.....lmao....oh God...I can't breathe...shit...fell off the chair...this soooo needs a sequel!
actually Chap 2 is being written now. breathe honey, I need more Penny.

04/06/2006 09:36 pm
OMFG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *falls over laughing loudly* The wankless wanker!!
tee hee :D

04/06/2006 09:19 pm
OMG!!!! I'm too busy laughing to answer properly!! Fracking great!!! MORE!!!!
Thanks Esther. I'm having a frelling good time write this.

04/06/2006 08:53 pm
*dies laughing* omg!!! that is sooo evil...i love it!!!!

Dru cried out, "Do it again, do it again".

Thank you! ummm should I bring Dru to the party?

04/06/2006 08:07 pm
You are sick and twisted...MORE!
Thank you, I try! Sometimes it's hard being me. lol

04/06/2006 06:29 pm
This story is hilarious! I just couldn't stop laughing for half an hour... I needed that. *biggrin*

As much as I love the situation Angel's in, I hope that Buffy's appearance will make things a tad bit more interesting.

Looking forward to next chapters,

It makes me happy that your day started off right...with laughter.

04/06/2006 05:15 pm
*giggles* This is priceless! Good bit of writing sweets! *hugs you* Looking forward to seeing what happens next! I like your Kate voice. *sighs* I actually liked her...
Thank you my dear. I liked Kate too.

04/06/2006 04:27 pm

Thank you! You made my morning.
glad to have started your day off right *smile*

04/06/2006 04:21 pm

04/06/2006 01:53 pm
Fantastic start! This is gonna be one fun read. Can't wait until the next update! :D
Thanks, it will be very soon.

04/06/2006 12:58 pm
Weee Wilyless Wanker :P ROFLMAO
tee hee

04/06/2006 12:23 pm
LMAO, poor Angel the Wankerless
I knew you would approve.

04/06/2006 11:42 am
Fun can be painful!
It depends on what you're doing at the time. *evil grin*

Harry 4Eyes
04/06/2006 10:55 am
OK i'm confused, did this actually happen in the show?

Don't know why he's so distressed, not like he uses it much, once in a century and the last time he used it he lost his soul. So he should be happy it means he can't lose his soul anymore because obviously his happiness is attached to his willy.

Besides Liam is afterall William without the Willy...I know worst joke ever but couldn't resist.

Bloody hilarious
keep it up, (or not in Angels case.)
Unfortunately this didn't happen on the show...but if it did would anyone have noticed? Well, perhaps Darla. Then we wouldn't have Connor - so we wouldn't have that whole Connor/Cordy storyline = which EWWWWWWW.

04/06/2006 10:44 am
hilarious! can't wait for buffy's reaction,
*evil grin* oh yes

04/06/2006 09:57 am
lol! hilarios!
glad you are liking it

04/06/2006 09:36 am
Gahhhhh, where's the rest???
it's coming!!! well, not Angel...was that in bad taste? geez, I can't stop myself - the double entendre's keep writing themselves.

04/06/2006 09:27 am
Holy shit Holly! This is by far one of the most hilarious ficlet's I've read. Awesome job.
Thank you! More will be coming soon. *evil grin*

04/06/2006 08:49 am
This is so sick, so wrong, so funny. :D I just adore Spike's glee at Angel’s predicament, and Kate I can completely understand why she can't go out with him after this. And I truly love that right after Angel tells Spike that Buffy can never know she walks in. I am so looking forward to what happens next, and how did this happen anyway? Please tell us that we find out. :nod:
Tam sent me an article - if you click on Ouch in the AN you too can read it. Anyway, that led to a diversion into madness and viola the plot bunny was formed! More will be coming very soon.

04/06/2006 08:44 am
HEEE! For Holly is EVIL and I egged her on LMAO
Yes, yes you did. I blame you entirely. Well, you and my sick imagination. I've save the IMs! lol

04/06/2006 08:40 am

//“Look I’ve given you a physical description…” Angel began.

“Oh please, you think I would believe that? You are obviously exaggerating the size.”//

**dies laughing**

//In a singsong voice, Spike teased, “Someone’s lost his willy. Angel’s a eunuch.”//

**pictures Spike dancing around the room and singing at the top of his lungs**

**dies laughing all over again**
just wait... it gets better. I have LOTS in store. Just you wait. *evil grin*

04/06/2006 08:34 am
ROFLMFAO! OMG! HOlly your the best!
Thanks honey! So glad you liked. I blame Tam completely. If not for that article...well, we'll never know.