Belonging by DreamsofSpike
Chapter: Searching for Answers

05/11/2006 07:45 am
The depth of Spike's bravery know no bounds, his willingness to go into the depths of hell, his hell, to save Anya shows this. I love his strength and how much he and Buffy each give to the other.
thanx so much :)

04/10/2006 11:50 pm
I suspected Aaron would betray them, but I didn't expect him to show up now! That was surprise.

You did a good job at describing the horrors in the torture chambers just by the smell, I think 'hell' was just the right word for it. I had flashbacks to Auschwitz and the other concentration camps I've visited, when reading this and I visited those more than 60 years after the horrors occured. Even without witnessing the terrrible crimes the place can speak for itself, and gice you that *feeling*. I got that feeling again reading your chapter. In other words: you did a good job. :)

/Nina aka Nemo

thanx so much, i'm glad the writing was convincing...there's already been so much pain and violence in the story, i didn't want to go overboard descriptively here... glad i could get the feelings across... thank you :)

04/10/2006 02:52 am
I bet it was just fright and misunderstanding that has him charging her....I hope...
you are perceptive as always :)

04/08/2006 11:25 am
This could be Spike's chance to cure himself!!!!
yep :)

04/07/2006 08:47 pm
Aaron! i was thinking Julian. Hope they rescue Anya soon. Gr8 update.
thanx :)

04/07/2006 02:00 pm
Excellant chappie - I really enjoyed this - *giggles* snuck on to read it. I am glad it wasn't one of the chipped slaves who was the traitor. It is really sad that someone would betray Giles like that for someone like Riley - perhaps Riley is forcing him somehow? Something? *looks hopeful* I can't wait for them to take Riley down! Excellant story and update sweetie!
we'll assumptions yet... :) thanx for the review :)

04/07/2006 07:56 am
arrghhhhh!!!!! omg!?!? NOOOOO.. lol
lol :P

04/07/2006 07:19 am
Loved it...more please
thanx :)

04/07/2006 06:32 am
Oh, I love it when I guess right (even if only wagering against myself in my head)! :)
Still, I'd be shocked if Buffy couldn't take Aaron. Of course, if she wants to drag him back for questioning, that could be a little harder to do inconspicuously, with a possibly wounded Anya to transport as well. Hmmm.
you'd be right to be you've seen now, she took him easily... lol...thanx for the review :)

04/07/2006 04:03 am
Scary! Buffy always falls for the get chased off somewhere while the bad guy attacks her Watcher and friends scam. Duh, Buffy. every time :)

04/07/2006 02:16 am
This is torture. When are they ever going to get out of this place?
patience, patience :)

04/07/2006 01:51 am
Continues to be painfully effective. So Aaron is the mole - well I'm glad that's out in the open. Still very concerned about Anya. I'm really hoping that there are some Vengence Demons waiting to do their stuff!
lol...that would be helpful wouldn't it?? :)

04/07/2006 01:29 am
Guess her suspicions were proved correct. Well, if Aaron is with her, then at least it should relieve her mind about leaving Giles in danger!
we'll see ;) lol