Forever Alive by Shadow
Chapter: Chapter 4

11/27/2006 03:26 pm
Awesome. Seems like great story.

07/09/2006 12:39 am
*giggle* explainations to cum

06/18/2006 12:15 am
Oh goody! Giles and Joyce. Always wanted them together. Yipeee! Now that the gang is all here, can't wait to hear how it all started.
Yup Giles and Joyce...

04/09/2006 01:03 pm
great chapter

04/08/2006 09:00 pm
You're evil! But still a great chapter. I was just thinking yesterday how much I wanted one and here it is. Can't wait for more.
Thanks hun. And more is on the way!

04/08/2006 04:41 pm
LMAO, poor Joyce :P I lovers it, and yopu bash Angel even when he isn't there :P
*grin* Angel bashing is a favorite occupation of mine...

04/08/2006 04:26 pm
Buffy is mother and Joyce is daughter!?! How old must Buffy be and how did she manage to have a child at her age. The idea that Buffy is Dawn's grandmother is pretty funny, too. More story soon please.
All shall be explained soon

04/08/2006 04:04 pm
Good chapter.I really want to know how Buffy is Joyce's mother.
Do you really think Buffy's real canon name is Elizabeth?I don't think it is.Update soon.
Explainations coming soon...

And I do know a girl IRL whose name is Elizabeth... but everyone calls her Muffy... (dont ask) so the translation to Buffy made sense to me.

04/08/2006 10:14 am
Thanks for the update I love the explanation of how Buffy got her name, and how fun that Anya and her know each other. I am looking forward to the next update and when she starts explaining things.
Welcome hun. And I hope you keep enjoying it!

04/08/2006 09:10 am
Okay, this story has intrigued me. In a world where Buffy is Joyce's mother, but looks like her daughter. And Spike's accepted by the Scoobies. Lordly, get thee to work on more of this, I must know how this came to pass.
*grin* all things shall happen in the fullness of time.

04/08/2006 08:05 am
Good Lord, Shadow, you have to give us more than that!!! Write, woman, write. Need the explainy part soon.
explainy part coming soon... now that Joyce is awake...