The Kindred Series - Book Two by DizzyB
Chapter: Ch 3 - Introductions Are In Order

05/29/2006 09:45 am
what is it? why is spike so scared of angel? it really is amazing how well he's handled things to this to read more now :)
Read on to see what's scaring William. Hope you enjoy. Thanks for reviewing. :)

05/07/2006 02:19 am
wild read. will trying to understand who has been for 117 years, and who he is. appears to be having a few problems with who he was and no one thought to tell him who he is. thanks for the great read.
Thank you so much for taking the time to review multiple times on individual chapters. It's people like you who keep me eager to write more! :)

04/21/2006 07:53 pm
Wow. Really, really interesting. I was sitting here chewing on my fingers completely into what I was reading. Awesome. Thanks for writing.
Thank you! What a great compliment. Hope the next few chapters continue to keep you so intrigued. :)

04/08/2006 09:55 am
Hmm the plot this story...very interesting
Thank you much for the kind words and positive response. Got to love those reviewers! :P

04/08/2006 07:03 am
oh wow!!! now i'm totally freaking out wondering what the memory is!! wonderful update!
Thank you, thank you! Plan to have the next chapter up by this weekend, so you won't have to wait too long to learn about the memory. Hope you enjoy the next update as much as this one. :)