Buyer Beware by just_sue
Chapter: 13

06/11/2006 02:14 pm
Boy, Angel really is full of himself? Isn't he? Did Angel have his Angel's Investigations phone number changed to W&H? Just a little confused there, but I've been up for 25 hours now , so maybe it's just me? LOL

04/17/2006 04:26 pm
Evil Angel indeed. Nice gift from Anya, very informative. Still loving Ethan and his attempts to out wit the Initiative.
Angel is so not gonna come out of this smelling sweet! And Anya was always wasted as a font of knowledge IMO. Ah, scrummy Ethan! I wish I knew what he was gonna get up to but it's as much a surprise to me as anyone else - which I quite like.

Thanks for reviewing - again! BFN

04/11/2006 08:05 pm
What an awesome chapter! Even if it did end with another one of those blasted cliffies. You've got me on the edge of my seat with all the plotlines starting to come to a head, especially the fleeting Spuffy moments that sneak in here and there. After their moment with the coffee mug, I'm especially anxious to see how the comforting goes for Spike's apparent nightmares. Also eager to see the Angel confrontation. Aw hell, I'm just plain old eager for the next chappie! Can't wait, hon!
Thank you, Coquine! Sorry about the cliffie - sorta - and have left one out on the next chappie (sorta)!

There were Spuffy moments? Darn, must have slipped out all on their lonesome! More soon. Have I mentioned that Angel is coming? *grins* BFN

04/11/2006 07:34 am
I like the books Anya gave Buffy. Those should definitely prove interesting. I'm glad she's reading them now too. Uh oh on Spike screaming. Nightmares? More please. {smiles} Need to find out if our Spikey is all right, and we need to get Angel's arse kicked. {Smiles}
Thanks, Tasha! Books are full of all sorts of interesting things - pity Buffy doesn't read more often!

You'll find out about Spike's reason for screaming very soon. *grins*

And why does it not surprise me that Angel's rear seems to be on many folk's agenda? LOL BFN

04/11/2006 05:59 am
very good and enlightening, at least for buffy (the enlightening part... i screwed this up , well i do that a lot.) very good read, thanks

Know what you meant, hun. Happy you are liking and hope it continues. BFN

04/11/2006 02:36 am
loving the story, the internal dialogue is great..keep up the good work
Thanks, Margaret. So happy you are liking and have you heard that Angel is coming? *grins* BFN

04/11/2006 02:15 am
quite entertaining, thatnk you, hope for more soon.
You are most welcome and more on Monday. Thanks fro reviewing. BFN

04/11/2006 01:29 am
Aaarggh! What a place to leave us!!!
Sorry, Lou! You know what I'm like - but if it's any consolation the next chappie ain't so bad. *grins*


04/11/2006 12:55 am
Good chapter.I forgot that I had read and actually liked this story,but now I remember.Poor Spike.I can't wait until school's over.I have thirty-some days left,
which doesn't include weekends and days off.May will go by really fast,just like it always does.And as much as I love this warm weather,it's driving me up the wall.I'm hot all the time,and even when it's a random cold day,
I'm hot.Update soon!
Am very happy that you remembered you liked this! *grins*

Hope your holidays reach you quickly - can't have you all hot now, can we? LOL

More on Monday. BFN

04/11/2006 12:54 am
Oh, God, that's heartbreaking...the ending actually made my heart just lurch and want to go down to that basement myself!!! this story is so amazing, incredible...i love it so much and cant wait for angel to get what's coming to him, the evil monster that he is....awesome job :)
Thank you, Jessi! I'm afraid Angel is definitely not gonna win any friends in this, not a one. The rush for the basement is on and will be up soon. *hugs* BFN

04/11/2006 12:22 am
Oh, Spuffy Sparkage.  I like it!  I hope Angel gets tortured sometime in the future.  Great chapter!
*grins* Blood thirsty much!

Thanks, sweetie, so glad you enjoyed. BFN

04/11/2006 12:16 am
This chapter was very insightful of Buffy. Even after all that she has seen and learned about the horror of his treatment of Spike and the carelessness of his treatment of her, she still has not quite let Angel go. I am really hoping that this visit with him will finally allow her to truly see him and that she will be able to see that he has not been worth the care she had for him and she will be able to finally and truly let him go. I am really glad that he no longer has an invite to the house and she has no intention of changing that, and that Tara and Willow will be there for Spike. I am really hoping that Ethan's plan works and he is able to escape, he seems to have grown up during his years in captivity, and if he joins with Buffy against the Initiative, I can see him being a great help. I love Giles, but I think Ethan would be even a greater help against the Initiative, for once his lack of moral compass could come in handy. I can also see where Buffy's far more positive relationship with the demon community might prove very beneficial. I am looking forward to finding out about the information Willow found, and Buffy’s meeting with Angel. Thank you for the great update, I really look forward to them.
Thank you so much, Robyn. I think the test for Buffy is gonna be when she gets face to face with Angel - and how she reacts to what he has to say.

I hear what you're saying about Giles and Ethan - if we could get Ripper and Ethan together... But I digress! LOL

Am so glad you are enjoying, hun, and hope you continue to do so - and let me know, of course! BFN

04/10/2006 11:56 pm
Oh, I think Ethan might just be a bit of okay. Not sure exactly who's side he's on but he should prove interesting. And I'm glad that Buffy's grown up and isn't quick to defend Angel. I got so wrapped up in this chapter. And I still feel for Spike. Great chapter sweetie, you did a fabulous job.
Thanks, sweetie! I am becoming a bigger fan of Ethan the longer this goes on and am so glad you are liking him too.

Oh, and have I mentioned that Angel is coming soon? *grins*

04/10/2006 10:54 pm
Heeeeey, why's he screaming??? You can't leave it there!!
Ooooops! Did I do that? Sorry (ish)! *giggles*

04/10/2006 10:45 pm
Oh, and I also wanted to say that I am enjoying seeing Willy as a good guy (kind of) instead of his usuall snivelling self!

Willy looks to the main chance - and Buffy is his best bet in a different world. So glad you like his better side. BFN

04/10/2006 10:44 pm
Interesting. I like that you made it clear that Angel should not have punished Spike the way that he had. This was a very good chapter, and I can't wait for more!!
Thanks, Nikkole! You don't know the half of it where Angel is concerned - and not just for our Spike. But there I go babbling...ooops!

So glad you are enjoying and being kind enough to review. BFN, sweetie.

04/10/2006 09:55 pm
Can we kill Angel yet??? Please, I'll hold the stake :D
LOL And I always had you pegged as the patient type! *grins*

Will keep your generous offer firmly in mind, sweetie. BFN

04/10/2006 08:53 pm
I'm glad to know that she didn't realize that he'd gone to W&H. I was starting to wonder how in the world she justified that and her friendship with him in her head.
Angel has not been a close contact of hers for some time now. I think her feelings are just echoes of the past. angel coming sorta soon.

Thanks for reviewing. BFN

04/10/2006 08:23 pm
reading ur fic is like watching a show. it comes once a week on a fixed day and always entertains.

Guess Spike is having a nightmare. love spuffy moments. Angel Investigation is closes so Buffy won't be able to contacthim. seems like he's comming to sunnydale. hope something horrible happens to him! would love to see Anya in your fic. She would give angle some real good and honest verbal bashing.
Thank you, hun! But also like TV progs it will sometimes be scheduled out at the last minute (RL stuff and missing muses do that sometimes!).

Anya would certainly add something to the mix but I haven't seen her coming over the horizon...yet. Thanks for reviewing. BFN

04/10/2006 08:06 pm
Ah, Buffy still has the number for the Hyperion. Nobody's there anymore, sweetie. She should ask Spike where Angel is working now. Buffy really needs to learn about W & H! So glad there's a disinvite on the house.

Can't wait to hear what Willow found. This whole issue is so much bigger than Sunnydale. However will we get Giles back?

I hope Ethan succeeds in getting away. Anything that buggers up the Big Plans is a good thing.
Having just finished the next chapter I'm smiling to myself here - you'll see why. *grins*

So glad you are enjoying the story, kim, and finding interest in it. It;ll be quiet on the Ethan front for a little while - but he'll be busy when he comes back! BFN

04/10/2006 07:17 pm
yay for the update!...took you long enough heheh!! kiddin!! *grins* always this was a good chapter...keep it up
Thank you, sweetie. Glad you liked and hope you pop by next week. BFN

04/10/2006 06:55 pm
OH this is sooo good, I dread the fact that I have to wait another week for an update...but I will. :)
Oh, for faster typing fingers! So happy you're enjoying, hun. And Angel is getting closer. *grins* BFN

04/10/2006 06:48 pm
Awesome chapter! I love the tale you are spinning here. Angel hating? Not hard here, LOL!
Thanks, Stacy! Really glad you're liking and booing at the most popular non-goody! *hugs*

04/10/2006 06:08 pm
The Intiative sure underestimated how resourceful Ethan is. I just loved reading Spike's musings after his fingers accidentally touched Buffy's. All the important questions Buffy is asking herself regarding Angel really has me looking forward to their upcoming confrontation. Fantastic chapter!
Ethan is a survivor - like insects and snakes! LOL

So glad you liked and Angel in getting there. Not long now. BFN

04/10/2006 05:03 pm
Thank you for the Monday update. I hope Buffy is prepared to actually deal with and get rid of Angelus. With W&H behind him, his abilities to get what he wants have been greatly enhanced. I look forward to next Monday.
You're welcome, hun! Am biting my tongue not to say... Ouch!

Angel coming soon - no pun intended! BFN

04/10/2006 04:40 pm
Thanks for the update. It is amazing how arrogant Angel is. Just his talking to Buffy will convince her how right he is about everything. It is a good thing Buffy does not have a brain.
Please update soon.
It's a good thing Buffy doesn't have a brain? *pouts* Had really tried to give her one - look at al the researchy stuff! LOL

I'm thinking you missed a word out there - but won't assume anything!

Angel is on his way and will be there soon! Be afraid, be very afraid! BFN

04/10/2006 04:30 pm
Brilliant chapter! Love how Willy's has been set up with nifty exits. Interested in seeing what Ethan does and glad to see he's concerned? about Giles. Perhaps the number Buffy has for AI is the one for the Hyperion. Does she not know that he's at Wolfram & Hart? I'm very curious about that. Looking forward to your next chapter.
Thanks, sweetie! You'll get more clarification in next chappie and Ethan is gonna be amazing - I think! But not in next one. Thanks for reviewing. BFN