Bag of Bones by Shadowlass
Chapter: Three

Excellent. :-)
07/04/2010 02:11 pm

09/04/2006 04:36 pm
ohhh i cant wait to see what happens next - poor spike everyone seems to be out to get him, yet he really has been trying to be good - even got himself a soul. *shakes head*

05/02/2006 08:51 am
Anya likes Giles? ewwww... sorry. i just don't like that coupling but lots of people do and it's ok. gr8 chap.

04/14/2006 09:13 pm
perfectly evil place for the end of the chapter. thanks for the fine read.

04/13/2006 11:15 pm
Buffy and Spike finally come face to face, this is going to be interesting. Thanks for the update.

04/13/2006 10:55 pm
Eeep! The meeting!