Forever Alive by Shadow
Chapter: Chapter 6

11/27/2006 03:32 pm
Poor Joyce, I'm happy for her that Buffy became her mother.
me too.

spike's mrs
07/09/2006 09:07 am
oh highlander ive seen that flim is sean connery gonna be i this fic too
if you mean Ramirez (the guy sean connery played) he will probably be mentioned.

06/18/2006 12:43 am
So Buffy's an immortal? No wonder Joyce can't stand Angel, after what happened to her she must be doubly freaked! Thanks for your awesome story!
Yup Buffy is an Immortal... *grin* and you are welcome!

06/17/2006 07:05 am
> Scotsmen… I swear, they look good in kilts, but have one track minds…

might have been "but they're obsessed with their swords" :p

I think 2000+ is really pushing it though I'm willing to forgive a lot for such an entertaining story.
Thank you.

04/18/2006 05:34 pm
great chapter
Thank you!

04/18/2006 12:51 am
This was so great and I had to chuckle when you mentioned Joyce's last name, and then worked Duncan in. I have been hoping that somehow you would be able to. I realized from the beginning that the concept of her immortality was from Highlander, but you even mentioning Duncan was so great. I never missed an episode when Highlander was on, and I love how well you are blending two of my favorite shows. :D
Thank you! I will try my best to live up to your expectations.

04/17/2006 01:57 pm

04/17/2006 09:48 am
Highlander crossover? ooooohhh, me likey, more please :)
AWW you guessed!

Harry 4Eyes
04/17/2006 09:38 am
Ahhhh Highlander crossover, I was wondering why this was so familiar, and Duncan and in Duncan Mcloed, the Highlander himself.

Right so Buffy is an immortal and can only be killed by another Immortal in a fight to the death with swords....or something like that right?

So is Dawn a Slayer? or does Joyce have a older sister who is the slayer? i'm just confused how we got the whole Slayer back-up squad without the actual Slayer. Unless Joyce is dating Giles and that might be why they know each other.

Well interesting fic you got here.
Update soon
*giggle* The "backup squad will be explained soon, next couple chapters kinda soon. You may be in for a surprise!

04/17/2006 07:19 am
have I mentioned that I LOVE this story. I dont know what it is about it but it calls to me and every time i see an update I just cannot wait to read it. Amazing chapter and I liked learning a bit about buffy, and all the rest.
Thanks sugar!

04/17/2006 07:18 am
Nice cliffie. We still don't know what is Buffy's species; is she Zeus' daughter; is she an immortal like Duncan McLeod; is she a demon? More story please.
More about Buffy coming soon!

04/17/2006 06:04 am
wonderful read. eagerly awaiting more of buffy's tale. thanks for the fine read.
More about Buffy coming soon!

04/17/2006 05:40 am
Okay this going to be a Highlander crossover? 'Cause (1) Joyce's last name being McLeod, (2) an "uncle of sorts" named Duncan, and (3) Buffy apparently being an immortal. You know I love Highlander cross-overs. *cough*Spike's Way*cough*
*grin* awww you guessed... no fair *giggle*

04/17/2006 05:12 am
Yeah an update! Booh a cliffhanger! I still love this story.
Thanks hun!

04/17/2006 04:41 am
Fantastic update! Poor little Joyce, what sad story Buffy told. Buffy is a really interesting character, I can't wait to learn more about her. :D
all things shall come in the fullness of time... *GRIN* and dont worry you'll learn more about Buffy... eventually

04/17/2006 04:29 am
Good chapter.
Gracias hun

04/17/2006 03:49 am
oohhh... this was a good one shadow. iv been sitting on the edge of my seat waiting for an update... cant wait to see where you take it....
thanks hun. *grin* I cant wait either... *giggle* its sorta writing itself

04/17/2006 03:40 am
Cool.Is Buffy older or younger than Anya?So this is a crossover with Highlander.I don't watch,but I've read crossover fics to understand.Update soon.
Older... waaaaaaaaaaay older... *GRIN* Updating soon!

04/17/2006 03:35 am
Excellent chappie :P
thank you :P