Paper Promise by Jess Marie
Chapter: I Can't Get Behind That

02/26/2010 11:16 pm
Fantastic dialogue!  You captured the essence of two people at odds and not connecting perfectly!

02/01/2010 05:00 am
Grrr...argh! You've captured the season 6 Buffy perfectly.  She is so messed up!  But I'm hoping (unlike in the real show) that your fanfic is going to "fix" her and they can live happily ever after!  :-)

PS Were there two students killed in the show and the girl's name was Debbie or did you make that up? 

01/19/2010 02:55 am
AAAAARGH!  And Xander - bugger off, will you!  I'm biting my nails now.  Wonderful!

12/30/2009 11:33 pm
Good conflict in sex scene. 

07/01/2008 04:40 am
Aw come on. There MUST be a sequel. You can't leave a person hanging.

ANyhow, once again, sex consumes too much of the story. I reccomend more vampire slaying since that is after all the focal point of the television series.

09/08/2006 02:46 pm
man that was painful to read...poor spike...poor buffy...she's finally wised up but it may be too was a terrible misunderstanding, but she still handled it with violence...*sigh*...waiting for more, pet..please update :)

04/18/2006 10:11 am
Buffy and Spike need to be locked in a room where they can't touch each other but only talk, maybe that way they will both finally figure out things and stop hurting each other. Thanks for a great fic, I am really enjoying it.

04/18/2006 04:07 am
Oh, was so pleased to see an update of this fic - but this one is a heartbreaker! And so like them to be miscommunicating when they both actually want the same things. *sobs* Fix it, please!

04/18/2006 12:41 am
DAmn...powerful chapter! Even though you've let us see that Buffy isn't the cold bitca she still appears to be to Spike it sure captures how she DID treat him onscreen. The misunderstanding between them just as Buffy is starting to actually SEE Spike is rather like all of S7 for that matter.

I am so glad you are adding chapters. I was hooked from the first one where Buffy had the sense to begin making that list on his precious gift of blank paper.

Bring on more soon, please!


04/17/2006 10:34 pm
And once again Buffy acts liker a Bitca even when ashe was wanting to be nice

04/17/2006 02:48 pm
aww.. and buffy was really trying too.. Great updates!!

04/17/2006 12:02 pm
these two have issues! they seriously need to talk it out like adults but considering that they are Buffy and Spike that'll never happen! Nice update.

04/17/2006 06:47 am
another excellent chapter. if they keep this up, even someone with your skills, will have diificulty bring them together. thanks for the fine read.

04/17/2006 05:05 am
oh my, *weeps* it's went so far that even when she tried tenderness, he won't allow it...*sad sigh*

04/17/2006 04:34 am
Jerk.... and Xander must die a horrible painful death as usual