Buyer Beware by just_sue
Chapter: 14

05/27/2010 08:38 am

06/11/2006 02:48 pm
Wow! that was great! The confrontation that William had with Spike...fascinating! Never thought about his demon abandoning him out of self-preservation. Snuggles for Spuffy, yeah! and a kiss, yum!

04/26/2006 12:50 am
I love this story! I seriously have fallen in love with it. If I could marry a BTVS fanfic story it would be this one. Okay enough with my crazy ramblings for now. I really do like this story line. It's very different than anything i've seen and I like that it's original. Can't wait to see more...keep up the good work.
*grins* Thank you so much, Mandy! Such kind words warm the cockles of me heart - and they don't hurt the old muse either! BFN, hun.

04/19/2006 10:23 am
Okay, so, it's really late and I am very very speepy, so excuse anything that doesn't make sense and just take it as a compliment!
Awesome chappie, as per usual. I really enjoyed Spike's interaction with, uh, Spike. His demon. Whatever. Very insightful.
I was very happy to see Buffy's confidence in herself and her ability to keep her head straight around Angel. And her celebratory smooch for Spike was cool too!
I hope your RL probs go away soon! RL is eeeevil. It keeps our minds off da spuffy. That makes it eeeevil. Okay. Yeah. Time for bed. Nighty night!
Thank you, Coquine! I am so glad you liked the chappie. RL is better - though ot solved - right now so the muse has decided to pop up and throw out another chappie whilst in the mood. Hope you likes. *hugs* BFN, hun.

04/19/2006 05:53 am
Oooo ... anotehr wonderful chapter. I loved this update. There is still enough snark and confusion between the two as it builds ... yet we get to see the tender moments and the draw between them as well. I love this story very much!
Thank you, Tasha! So glad you liked, and hope you like the latest chappie too. BFN, hun.

04/18/2006 04:59 pm
Ah, lovely Spike dream with his demon. Your description of the demon originally and its changes were interesting. Wondering who the 'demon' was in the dream that had Spike!demon scared.

And yay! that Buffy felt nothing, nada, zilch, zip, zero from Angel. About time. Wonder why no one told her about Angel's switch in employment.
Thanks, sweetie. Glad you liked the dream - I think the 'demon' in it would be whatever would be likely to scare Spike and Spike!demon. *grins* BFN

04/18/2006 01:14 pm
Very exciting - looks like Angel is underestimating the situation. Here's hoping!
Thanks, Lou! I hope you're right! Thanks for reviewing, hun. BFN

04/18/2006 08:14 am
Awww... more sweet spuffyness! And hopefully eventually hot steamy smut!

Smut will take a while - and as I have never written any yet...


04/18/2006 05:47 am
this definitely entertains. but needed a much longer chapter. was hoping for angel bashing, humiliation or ass kicking. sorry, those are just personal favorites. love the read, thanks
Awww! I thought I had enough words to please...or are you just being a tad greedy? Hmmm? LOL

You may have to wait longer than you want for your hopes to be fulfilled - one way or another. *grins*

Thanks for reviewing and glad it entertained. BFN

04/18/2006 03:38 am
WTF does Angelus have planned for vampnapping Spike if Buffy won't cooperate? Is "his team" those that we are familiar with? More story please.
Ah, you've only met ne of his team before - at the auction - his old team have all flown the coop. As to what he has planned...really don't want to spoil next chappie for you! *grins*

Thanks for reviewing, hun. BFN

04/18/2006 03:10 am
I hope Willow and Tara are able to protect Spike. I am so hating Angel and what he has planned. I love that Buffy kept waiting, but had absolutely no reaction to Angel. I also loved that she ran downstairs to let Spike know that it was going to be okay. I love how Buffy has made Spike comfortable enough that he dared argue with her. Thanks for another wonderful update. :)
Thank you so much, Robyn! So many bad guys, so little time! But at least you should find out more about Angel next chappie. And, yep, Spike is getting more Spikey...for now. *grins*

Thanks for reviewing, hun. BFN

04/18/2006 02:27 am
Yay! She went back to tell him it was going to be okay. I'm really liking your Buffy better than the show Buffy. Also loved the sequence between Spike and his demon. I wonder who was the thing coming after them. Great great chapter sweetie. I hope to see more of your lovely writing soon!
Thanks, sweetie! *squishes*

Am so glad you're liking and hope to have more next week. *hugs* xxx

04/18/2006 01:07 am
I hope the witches start putting up words asap. Damb Angel. And I hope Buffy gives him what for!

Will have to wait and see, sweetie! Thanks for reveiwing. BFN

04/17/2006 11:22 pm
Oh, boy...Willow and Tara are going to have quite a time defending the house.
*gulps* Will have to hope it won't come to that...but you never know!

Thanks for reviewing, hun. BFN

04/17/2006 09:42 pm
Aww...  Loved that ending.  So sweet!  I hope Willow and Tara are ready for what's coming.
Thanks, Morrigan! So glad you liked. Will hope that the gals are ready for whatever occurs next.

Thanks for reviewing, sweetie. BFN

04/17/2006 09:28 pm
I think that was the best ending of all the chapters so far! Now, Angel will be able to smell Spike on Buffy, and hopefully, if Spike isn't so uptight, he can be of some help when Angels goon attack to try to get him back!
Thanks, Nikkole! Tried so hard not to give evil cliffie this time round! And that vamp smelling thing is just so ewww! Will have to wait and see what Spike needs for next chappie. *grins*

Thanks for reviewing, hun. BFN

04/17/2006 08:00 pm
Spike's dream was so wonderfully well written, I loved his talk with his demon. The basement scenes between Buffy and Spike were very touching. I like how optimistic Buffy is, but i'm really worried about what Angel has planned. Fantastic chapter!
Thank you, Irina! I am so happy you liked Spike's interaction with his demon - my favourite bit of this chappie I have to confess.

Mmm. Angel is such a pain and you'll just have to come back next week (hopefully) to find out! So glad you enjoyed, hun. BFN

04/17/2006 06:41 pm
This was a fantastic chapter! Kept checking to see how much i had left because I didn't want it to end. Can't wait to see what happens next!
Ah, thanks, Stacy! Am so glad you enjoyed it so much. *hugs* xxx

04/17/2006 06:26 pm
what has Angel asked his crew to do? oh yah this is Angel so something evil.

I think you got it worked out for yourself, hun! Will have to see if we find out - but if we don't that means Buffy has given Spike to Angel. What do you think? *grins*


04/17/2006 06:17 pm
Okay, out of all the wonderful chapters of this story this is my favorite! A real standout. I say that especially because of the WONDERFUL internal conversation between the demon and William. The picture I got while reading was so perfect to my own imaginings (and love that the demon is becoming more human as well....and is SMART, not an "animal" at all).

This is such a good story, so beautifully told my dear. Keep it coming.

Thank you so much, Kathleen! Am so chuffed you liked my favourite bit too! *hugs* xxx

04/17/2006 04:36 pm
Oh, yay! She kissed him. How sweet.

Loved Spike's conversation with the demon, and how humanity is beginning to influence it.
Hi, again! Thanks so much for all your reviews today; what a star you are!

So glad you liked Spike and his demon, hun. BFN

04/17/2006 03:34 pm

Good chapter babe!
What! You don't like Angel? *grins*

Thanks, Shadow, glad you liked. BFN

04/17/2006 02:20 pm
Excellent chapter!! I love the idea of the Demon and Spike negotiating a relationship and how that relationship has evolved over time. What a really neat idea! The Big Dark - very scary. Angel and his plotting to get Spike back - also scary. Wonderful story. Thanks!
Thank you, Pin! Am glad you liked Spike and his demon as I was worried it would only make sense to me (and my lovely betas!). So glad you're enjoying and hope it continues. BFN

04/17/2006 01:54 pm
oh how very sweet that ending was!! loving this story so much...their miscommunication and confusion of emotions is so true to the characters, and at times heartbreaking...but i'm so scared about angel and what's gonna happen while buffy is not in the house and whether or not tara and willow can hold their own if angel sends someone to get spike....see what you've done? my nerves are gonna be on edge for a week now!!! :P awesome awesome update!!
Thanks, Jessi! *bitestongue* ou o ight o e orried arout ngel ut i an't ay nye ore. So there you have it! *grins*

Much will come to light next week and I trust your nerves will calm soon - just write some more lovely fic and you'll feel all better! *hugs* BFN

04/17/2006 01:51 pm
Good chapter.Is Spike suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder?I can see that happening.
At least he and Buffy aren't fighting anymore.Update soon.
Thank you! I wouldn't be surprised if Spike did have a touch of PTSD - he's certainly had enough trauma to justify it.

More next week - hopefully. Thanks for reviewing. BFN

04/17/2006 01:50 pm
Please please please let spike be safe...I can't stand mare abuse to the character I love...Loved the sleep over! :)
There, there, hun. I'm not making any promises but glad you liked the sleepover! *grins*

Thanks for reviewing. BFN