On My Mind by kittiekat
Chapter: Soft Momentum

03/27/2011 06:40 am
Loving your grasp of the Victorian language!  Also your use of the term "denial-cell".

05/27/2010 01:22 pm

12/19/2007 08:24 pm
OH no they were separated it, that can't be good.

09/26/2006 02:49 pm
okay, yeah, her subconscious *is* doing all the work...before this is over she'll have to finish that sentence and admit what she wants...great chapter :)

05/14/2006 02:36 pm
very nice interactions - enjoying the changing scenes

04/22/2006 06:15 pm
wow, grate story hope for an update soon.
Thanks so much! Very very pleased that you're enjoying it and here's the update! :) Hope it'll be to your taste!

04/22/2006 03:30 pm
Good chapter.I love that scene in "Fool For Love".(That was the episode right?)It's after my other favorite scene where Spike's crying cause Buffy said he was beneath her.(I hated her saying that,but I liked Crying!Spike.For some weird reason,I like seeing guys cry on TV,but it freaks me out in real life.)Update soon.
*lol* Your review truly made me laugh. What with the crying Spike and the liking of the crying guys on TV, but them freaking you out in real life. *giggle* Oh, perhaps I shouldn't me laughing. *hand to mouth, regretful* :) All in the nicest of spirit! Happy you enjoyed the chapter, and that's one of my favorite scenes, too, though her throwing the money at him and walking away always makes me cringe. I feel so bad for Spike it just hurts! Ugha.

Pulchra Nex
04/22/2006 11:34 am
ooh I really like this story! it keeps you on the edge of your seat trying to figure out what's going to happen! keep it up! :-D
I like it that you like it!!! Thanks so much, that means I'm doing my job right! Phew! ;) And I hope I will keep it up! Otherwise I give you permission to smack me. :)

04/22/2006 05:22 am
Well, I must say you have my curiosity up on the identity of No Face. And I like seeing the chinks in the Buffy Wall of Denial.
Curiousity I LOVE! And the chinks - good thing, right? ;) Thanks ever so much!

04/22/2006 04:01 am
*gasp* great chapter!!!
*claps hands* Happy you thought so! :)

04/22/2006 03:50 am
very good chapter. buffy is not as hard or certain, can't wait to get into her mind. and thanks for the evil cliffhanger. (did that last sound sincere?) thanks for the fine read.
Well, the same reply goes for this one. Right? ;)

04/22/2006 03:50 am
very good chapter. buffy is not as hard or certain, can't wait to get into her mind. and thanks for the evil cliffhanger. (did that last sound sincere?) thanks for the fine read.
Lovely you enjoyed! Great comments, thanks so much. And, hehe, yeah, those evil cliffhangers can be... evil. Muahahahahahahaha. ;) Thank you!

04/22/2006 12:53 am
LOL, member of cliffies R'Us huh?? Damn good chappie.
*giggle* Darn it, that's supposed to be such a secret society! ;) What can I say, I like the on-the-edge-of-your-seat concept that they advertise. *smile* Very glad you liked and hope it'll continue along that path! Thanks bunches! :)

04/21/2006 11:42 pm
I really like the growth in character that Buffy seems to be having. It is very slow, but it is there. She seems to be less aggressive towards Spike and more willing to work with him. Buffy really liked William and it seems that as she sees William still in Spike she has to force herself to deny it, the denial is no longer as natural to her, but more forced. I am really enjoying this story thanks for the update. :)
Wonderful to read your thoughts, girl. Yes and yes! :) So glad you're enjoying it! Thanks so much!

04/21/2006 10:59 pm
more of this great story. So glad to see this chapter.
Thanks! I'm so glad you're glad. :) Hope you'll like the following!