On My Mind by kittiekat
Chapter: Stranger Things

05/27/2010 01:36 pm

12/19/2007 08:46 pm
OH I wonder what all they are going to say

09/27/2006 12:36 am
well that was intense...i wonder what's in store for them in buffy's mind...

05/14/2006 02:41 pm
lovely and intruiging chapter - I enjoyed it immensely

04/24/2006 11:51 am
sorry I haven't reviewed again. I caught up at FF.net and am waiting for new chapters
Oh, no need to apologize. Good to know where you're at, though. :) And I'm working on it, but nothing's for certain! :I Much love!

04/24/2006 03:20 am
How like Buffy, she sees the truth of Spike, she feels the truth of Spike, but she continues to try to deny the truth, to try to pretend that everything she has discovered about how he feels is ‘manufactured’. She is so comfortable in her belief that someone can’t love without a soul, so comfortable with her pain over Angelus’s inability to love, and later Angel leaving, for her own good, that she is unwilling to allow anything but the hurt part of her to have a say in how things are perceived. And yet each time she sees new proof that her beliefs are not accurate, even though she tries to ruthlessly push away the new, cracks are forming, most not quite visible, that are weakening the foundation of her self-imposed prison. That is something I really love about this story, as much as she might try to deny things, they are traveling through Spike’s mind and she knows that there is truth behind the emotions of the memories, and even the fantasies. A truth that in the real world she has been able to more easily deny, to just declare them as not real and that any actions he takes because of these emotions are for selfish purposes only.

I hope you don’t mind to much me analyzing like this. I have a tenancy to do so, in particular with a fic like yours that you can really see the change within the characters, or in this case, more accurately character. :P
Oh, I don't mind one single bit! I adore reading what you're thinking in such detail, it's the coolest thing! So thank you! Analyzing is healthy, especially in the Spike/Buffy instance since otherwise you'll get frustrated out of your mind! I know how it is, trust me. ;) Just lovely, honestly, and hope you'll enjoy what is up ahead! Pun not intended. With the a-head. Get me? *smirk* *shaking head* Sorry, it's a bit late in the afternoon for this. Heh. Okay, hope to hear from you! And thanks once more!

04/24/2006 02:31 am
that was a fun romp in spike's mind. should be even more fun in buffy's. good update, thanks for the fun read.
Well, I hope so. At least as fun...! :) Very nice to read you like, and truly hope you'll enjoy what follows! Thanks!

04/24/2006 01:31 am
Lovely trip through Spike's head. I can't wait to see what he learns in Buffy's.
Hehe, the end of waiting has arrived. So glad you've enjoyed the first part, hope you'll enjoy what's left as well! :) Thank you!

04/24/2006 01:20 am
Justed wanted to comment on how awsome your story is! I really like how non-fluffy it is. There were so many different ways you could have taken this, like Buffy seeing all his memories and falling in love with him that way, but I LOVE how she sees were he buries the people he kills, how you dont sugar-coat him, and how confusing the memories and traveling around in them are. Its absolutly fasicenating to read! Keep up the good work!
Wow, thanks ever so much! And your comments just made me float. I'm so happy you're enjoying it and that the way you're perceiving it is how you perceive it because it's how I want it perceived. Or something. :) Thank you!!! Hope the story'll keep holding up!

04/24/2006 01:19 am
Wonderful story as far. I shall await the next update.
Lovely you thought so! Hope you'll continue doing so throughout! :) Thank you!!!

04/24/2006 12:39 am
Good chapter.It's okay to laugh.I would have reviewed earlier except the power went out for three hours.Update soon.
Thanks, glad you liked. Hehe, ok, good that it's ok. :) Oh, power outage, no fun. Hope you'll enjoy the updates! :)

04/23/2006 10:26 pm
Delighted to see you posting here - I hope you bring more of your tales. Loving this one - surreal nightmares and all. A great way for Buffy to come to know Spike.
And delighted to get a review from you, my friend! *happyhappy* I sure want to bring more of them over here, this site is so great! And the ppl are wonderfully welcoming. Not that I expected anything less, but... :) So glad you're enjoying it! Thank you! :)

04/23/2006 05:05 pm
update update !!
Here it is! Here it is! ;) Thanks!

04/23/2006 04:01 pm
LOL, poor Buffy having the scales forcebly pyulled off her eyes boy is the girl an idiot :P
haha, an idiot... well, yeah, she is. ;) Oh, the force is so much fun, though. Hehe.

04/23/2006 03:00 pm
Wonderful chapter and very successful, since I am anxiously anticipating the next one. I love the dialog and how the transitions meld with the action - very imaginative! The sequence right before they leave Spike's head really communicates how his feelings eveolved, and I really like how you have Buffy merge into each participant.
Heheh, lovely to read! :) Thanks for all your wonderful comments, girl, make me all snuggly. Hope you'll enjoy the following!

04/23/2006 02:43 pm
so the memory they share, is that got something to do with the whole cecily, buffy - beneath you deal? hmm *ponders*
Hmmm. You'll see. :) Thanks for the review, girl!

Pulchra Nex
04/23/2006 01:53 pm
"well, then, start declaring your undying love for him!" ;-) lolz...
Loved the update!
*smirk* Thanks a lot!

04/23/2006 01:03 pm
More please!!!!
Absolutely. hehe. Thanks!