Forever Alive by Shadow
Chapter: Chapter 7

11/27/2006 03:35 pm
Great update.
Thank you.

04/24/2006 07:25 pm
it's just too cute to see Giles squirming under the scrutinizing gaze of a concerned mother :hyper:

I'm really curious to find out why he is there though, maybe Dawn is a potential slayer?? (not the slayer, cause she would have fought that demon from chapter one if she was)
Hopefully Spike will make a move on Buffy soon, I have feeling that this one isn't quite so loath to give in to his advances unlike normal Buffy :D
keep up the great writing!!
*grin* I thought Giles needed a little... squirm factor.

Giles' story coming next chapter.

And you might be surprised with the Spuffy factor.

04/24/2006 05:15 pm
Hmmm. You are still evading the real questions and answers. Hopefully Giles will provide some soon. More story please.
More coming soon, and Giles' answers coming soon too.

04/24/2006 04:40 pm
Good chapter.I love that Buffy's overprotective of Joyce.Update soon.
You have no idea of how protective Buffy can be of what she considers hers. More coming soon.

04/24/2006 12:30 pm
great chapter
Thank you!

04/24/2006 05:18 am
excellent update. enjoying the tale. was leaving a review earlier this evening for another story and was going to accuse the author of taking the same class on evil cliffies as wulfie, you and several others. now i think maybe you conducted the class. thanks for the great read.
*GRIN* I learned the art of evil Cliffies from the best. And you are most welcome.

04/24/2006 05:17 am
I love Buffy insisting on knowing what Giles' intentions are and how far he is willing to go for Joyce's safety and happiness. I am looking forward to Giles answering Buffy's question. Thanks for the update, they are always so great, even with your evil cliff-hangers. :halo:
oh its gonna be a doozy... Giles' answer that is.

04/24/2006 04:18 am
Oooh! A new chapter - thank you! thank you! thank you! I still love this fic. I especially love Buffy as over protective mama and the budding attraction to Spike. This was a great end to the day.
You are quite welcome. *GRIN* and thank you.

04/24/2006 03:14 am
oh nice chapter. yay great chapter actually. Cannot wait to see what happens next
Thank You. Guarantee next chapter within 7 days.. if not sooner...

04/24/2006 03:14 am
Love the overall story so far, although I find myself screaming at the end of the chapters as I wait to hear the answer to a question! Very good writing!
*giggle* I am the giver of evil cliffies... sorry bout that. And THANKS!

04/24/2006 03:04 am
Good chapter.
Thank You

04/24/2006 02:43 am
I loved Buffy's motherly confrontation with Giles. Fantastic chapter!
Thank you. *grin* I thought Giles needed a little... parental glaring

04/24/2006 02:38 am
lol, Is Dawn the slayer???? and can we beat on Angel some more??
*GRIN* its a yes on the angel beatings... as for the other... wait and see

04/24/2006 02:33 am
ooooooohhhhhh an update please.....damn cliffies......
I like cliffies... *grin*