On My Mind by kittiekat
Chapter: Means to an End

01/28/2014 12:43 am
I sure hope that you give Buffy some harsh truths about how narrow minded and how cruel she can be at times.  She is pretty hard for me to like thus far in your story - she acts like such a self-righteous and self-centered brat.  But Spike's reminder of just how really young she is works as a good reminder for me that Buffy has been, IMO, extremely damaged by both her first love experiences with Angel/Angelus and the dogmatic teachings of Giles and the CoW.

12/19/2007 09:56 pm
Oh I can't wait to see what they will find in her mind.

09/27/2006 01:04 am
wow...that's so sad that she said those hurtful things, poor spike :( i wonder what she'll learn on this leg of the journey :)

05/14/2006 02:43 pm
Can I strangle Buffy - she is so stubborn!

04/25/2006 01:00 pm
I love the fact that when I come here to check for updates I always find a new chapter and sometimes more than one! Updates make my day, lol!

Loved the walls she has in her head! How perfect is that? I also loved the interaction between younger Buffy and Spike, sweet and touching.

Cant wait for more!
Oh, I'm happy to oblige! I lurve the updating process, means I get to hear from you guys. :) Thanks for your comments, happy you're enjoying. Hope you'll like what comes next!

04/25/2006 01:30 am
Buffy has a natural ability for cruelty, she controls it for the most part except when it comes to Spike. It's like she knows exactly what actions or words will hurt him the most and that is exactly what she does. I'm not sure she even realizes how horrible she is at times, and might even be shocked if she had to watch herself. Spike on the other hand has the natural ability for forgiveness. When he cares for someone he will forgive them about anything. Like what happened when she said his feeling didn’t matter, she can no longer deny that he has feelings, so she now discredits her regard for them. And Spike didn’t do anything more then point out that things are never that simple. If he was really vindictive all he had to do is say that he had had enough and wouldn’t participate anymore. That it was Buffy’s job, not his to save the life being threatened. After all as far as everyone else there he is just an evil vampire who doesn’t care for anyone but himself. Your scene when Spike went to talk to Buffy and she felt some of his pain was very interesting. I am looking forward to finding out if it was one time, or if it is a result of them going into each other’s mind and the magic involved. I loved how her last thought was her telling herself that she had nothing to hind.
True. I agree with you all the way. And so so great to read all your thoughts! :D Thanks so very much!

04/25/2006 12:16 am
good read, thanks. i think buffy is going to be shocked at the amount of things she is hiding.
hehe, really, you think? *smirk* Happy you liked!

04/24/2006 11:21 pm
Excellent chappie :p
:) I thank you!