Dawn of Destruction by Morrigan_Blacknblue2
Chapter: Ultra Vires

05/01/2006 05:53 pm
ha! Pregnant. Great stuff. This is highly entertaining.
Thanks! So glad you're enjoying reading it. We're having a blast writing it.

05/01/2006 10:43 am
great chapter
Thank you! We hope you continue to enjoy!

The Good Jason
04/30/2006 07:58 am
Two darn days, this has been up, and nobody called me. (*grumble*) You two are really cranking this out, and it's awesome! Keep it coming, I beg you!

((Hey, that boring fellow seemed a wee lil' bit familiar ... such a good-looking chap, and so ... b-b-boring? Huh. Somebody has me pegged.))
I'm sorry we didn't let you know about our update.  I also apologize for not responding to your review sooner.  Blacknblue2 and I got sucked into one of the portals.  It's true!  Here we were, minding our own business and writing our tale, when *whoosh!*  It took us a couple of days and some handy latin phrases to find our way back out!

Also...  Jason isn't really boring.  He's just written that way!  He's really quite the stud!  *hehe*

Thanks, so much for your continued, wonderful reviews!  We'll get more out as soon as we can! :wave:

04/29/2006 02:59 pm
Good chapter.It's creepy that they're getting closer.Update soon.
This story feels a bit like it is kind of evolving on it's own, in some ways.  We never know what's gonna happen next.  Glad that you are enjoying this and are still with us.  We hope to get the next chapter out soon.  Thanks, again, for the review!

04/29/2006 12:45 am
Thanks for the update. I love the flirtation between Richard and Dawn, and I love how Xander prefaced telling Kevin that he has some magical abilities. I am looking forward to the next chapter.
We're really glad you're enjoying the story. Xander's such a quirky guy, 'can't just straight out tell someone they have magical abilities.

Thank you for reviewing! We'll hopefully have more soon.

04/28/2006 07:48 pm
good update. thanks for the fine read.
Thanks bunches, vladt! :) We hope to have more coming soon!

04/28/2006 07:17 pm
Are these Initiative guys actually good guys? More story please.
We can't tell you, it's a secret!  But you'll see *winks*

Thanks for the review.

04/28/2006 01:35 pm
Nice chapter.
Thanks, girl!

04/28/2006 12:47 pm
*sorry bout the the blank rev* stupid enter key *kicks it* bad enter bad.

Okay... first off LMAO @ "Well, congratulations, Kevin. You're pregnant." from Xander. Truly funny.

Seems like the action is heating up. can't wait to find out about the portals.
It just seemed like such a Xander thing to say.  Hehe, poor Kevin.  I bet he was panicked for a second there.

I think we'll find out more about the portals in the next chapter.  It all depends on the muse, of course.  And definitely more action soon!

04/28/2006 12:45 pm
Wow!  Thanks for the wonderful review!  Also, that was a very astute observation you have there.  You were exactly right!

*giggle* Just kidding.  *kicks your enter key for you*