Verita Rivelata by pfeifferpack
Chapter: Dream the Third

05/16/2010 06:50 pm
That last paragraph rings to true! Wonderful!

03/06/2008 12:15 am
She touches my nerves,that Heaven's Chosen One does!
Loved the Spike-Riley reminder;D
Glad you liked that. k

05/23/2006 06:52 am
joyce is so wise...loving this story, beautifully written :)

05/04/2006 12:36 am
Excellant dream about Riley I am very glad she saw the truth. You are doing an excellant job with this story. You are pointing out the truths with her relatiosnip with men, however doing it without the character bashing or going over board. I like how you are proceeding and think it is excellant so far!
I try to avoid character bashing because I can see some good in most of them. I may stress a bad point or two for story purposes, but try to make everything in character. Thank you. K

05/01/2006 07:48 am
kill Riley!! oops i forgot it's a dream. kill him anyway.
Gee in a dream we can kill him multiple times, multiple ways too *G*. K

04/30/2006 11:26 pm
love the use of joyce. she'sounds' just like her character at her best. fine read, thanks
Thank you I really loved Joyce and wanted more use of her than they gave us actually. She was central to Buffy and Buffy began to fall apart with hr death. Thank you again. K

04/30/2006 12:16 pm
I like that she realized how much her relationship with Riley resembled her relationship with Angel, someone who tries to make her fit in the mold they have of her. I like that Joyce is still trying to make her understand that she is made for special not normal.
Joyce had to die to finally "get it" but she's the perfect one to make Buffy see. Thanks. K