Whispers of A Dream...Screams of A Nightmare by Schehrezade
Chapter: Chapter Seven

12/22/2007 12:11 am
Oh how did Spike get separated I hope they can get back together.

05/26/2006 08:20 am
Ok, you've got me, can't remember a single fairytale about a shadow. Oooh...can't wait to find out. Interesting, very interesting.

05/19/2006 07:13 am
oh my gosh...what has she done now?? this story is just amazing...gotta go on reading now :)

05/10/2006 03:56 pm
Wow - incrediable use of the shadow. I love these twists and turns you are taking us on. I can't wait for the conclusion~

05/10/2006 03:56 pm
Wow - incrediable use of the shadow. I love these twists and turns you are taking us on. I can't wait for the conclusion~

05/10/2006 03:55 pm
Wow - incrediable use of the shadow. I love these twists and turns you are taking us on. I can't wait for the conclusion~

05/04/2006 07:54 pm
Ahhh!  Freaky!  I am so loving this story, it's not even funny!
LOL it's not funny? Darn I tried so hard *g* I know I know kidding! Am thrilled you are enjoying the fic - hope you like the last chappie?

05/04/2006 12:56 pm
* Do you love me?*
God I loved that part. Spike's shadows got a kind of chodidsh apeal. i like him. well not as much as spike but still.
Yay! That was exactly what I was aiming for a childish innocence!You're the the only one who spotted it!


05/03/2006 05:19 pm
I have to admit that this is a fairy tale that I wasn’t familiar with and after finding out a bit about it I am looking forward to how you make complete use of it. I really love how seeing the shadow helped Buffy realize her feelings for Spike, and that she didn’t hold back in telling him. Thanks for the update and the cliff-hanger. :P
It was a new one on me The Shadow - Lmbossy and I stumbled over it on Wikepedia. *g* am glad that Buffy's revelations worked I was chewing my nails over it when I wrote this chapter.

Eeps another cliffie - will pop up the next chappie in a sec.

05/03/2006 10:22 am
What a lovely realisation for Buffy - nicely done. Neat Peter Pan reminder.
*G* had to get the Spike is yum revelation into her noggin before they headed back *winks*


05/03/2006 06:51 am
ok, hmm only shadow story I's can think of be Peter Pan, I's wonder's if'n....FANGS?! :evil:

:soon: oh and :needsmut:
Eeeps Fangs and not Spike's *g*

Next chappie coming right up LOL.

05/03/2006 06:11 am
LOL great way to have comic relief.. hehe
Hee I was worried over this chappie glad you enjoyed it!

05/03/2006 05:51 am
wonderful read, with an evil cliffhanger. you are evil, luv. thanks for the fine read.
Thank you - am so thrilled you are enjoying this fic. Eeeps another Cliffie I need to fix that...

05/03/2006 02:32 am
A dragon now?

The shadow thing is funny.
LOL could be a Dragon - have to admit I do have a weakness for them *g*

Poor Spike with his thick Shadow I bet he wants to throttle the thing!

05/03/2006 12:38 am
Two spikes, yum. Think Buffy will share with me? I do have to admit I'm not familiar with the origins of this particular fairy tale.
This fairytale was a new one for me as well - am amazed how many I had forgotten/missed out on as a kid was fun revisting them all!

Hmmm two Spike and I bet she wouldn't share LOL!