Lessons in Love by Spikez_tart 05/19/2006 09:50 am Great! I liked the Cordy-speak, it's always so fun to read! Hmmm...I think Buffy best make up her mind about what she wants already! I love Cordy, too. In fact, I've been accused of being like her. Thanks for the review. Robyn 05/18/2006 09:39 am More fun with Cordy pulling the strings and Buffy having it bad on the jealousy front. Liked how she waited a ‘decent’ interval of 45 seconds before leaving. Thanks. Lou 05/15/2006 02:28 pm This is exactly what Buffy needs - a big dose of green-eyed monster. Doesn't Buffy just need a shake up. Thx. Cas 05/15/2006 05:05 am Angry Buffy is no fun for Spike. Maybe he should rethink this plan. I wonder what Buffy will find when she catches up with them and how she'll react? Thanks for the review. Spike's plans rarely come out well, but hey he has the Master Mind working things out for him this time. vladt 05/15/2006 03:52 am this is fun. why do i sense spike not coming out on top in this situation. pun intended. thanks for the fine read. Thanks for the review. This is AU, maybe Spike will get a better deal. Firebird234 05/14/2006 10:40 pm You Know I always thought that if Spike just played hard to get Buffy would have done something. Maybe Cordelia can help Buffy along. I like this story can't wait for the next chapter. Thanks for the review. Spike always did make it to easy for her. I enjoyed turning the tables. | |||
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