By the Emerald Light by redwulf and Spikeskat
Chapter: Ch. 2

10/09/2006 11:48 am
I loved Buffy's reaction to realizing that Spike is alive. The Immortal drugging Buffy is the best explanation I've heard of her being with him.

05/17/2006 06:58 pm
Great chapter :D

05/17/2006 02:51 am
Really interesting story plz continue....kinda wonder what exactly Buffy is angry at? =)

05/16/2006 12:51 am
Wait wait, he's innocent! He's a good guy! .... well don't rough him up too much and follow it with lots of smut..... lol

05/15/2006 10:42 am
Whoops! Is she going to be so pissed off at Spike she'll do something stupid and make herself vulnerable to the Immortal? Love the green Spike.
Nah, but I see visions of Spike being uber!embarrassed once she gets hold of a true comm link. :) Kat

05/15/2006 06:00 am
Very interesting, love the idea of Spike as GL..never saw that before to my knowledge..

Hope you keep it up..
See what happens when "Plotbunnies Go Wild" (tm). Hoping to keep Teh Pup in line and turn this into a completed fic real soon. :) Kat

05/15/2006 05:26 am
very, very good read. thanks fot the fun read.
Thanks! It's nice doing lighthearted once in a while. :D Kat

05/15/2006 02:36 am
"Is everyone you know an idiot?" she asked Spike. "Pretty much, luv." LOL. Poor Spike, Buffy is really going to kick your ass this time.
*grin* Buffy can try. Spike's got a green ring to protect his ass now. ;) Kat

05/15/2006 02:31 am
totally cool!!!!! Am totally suspending my usual horror at crossovers with comic book characters I know nothing about and looking around for the next chapter!
*giggles* I knew we could suck you in. *grin* Hopefully we're incorporating enough background info on the JL gang so that you get a bit of their mindset/powers. Kat

05/15/2006 01:16 am
awesome update! god Giles is being a prick! uh oh Buffy's pissed now, look out! lol
Thanks! Buffy never did like to be manipulated. I'm sure she'll have an earful for Spike. (Though, he can make a nice green force field to drown our her rant.) *grin* Kat