Brave New World by JamesMFan
Chapter: Complaints

08/21/2006 01:53 am
Apparently she's got something to worry about, geez! When I've got a story like this, I'm very glad that I'm behind with the updates. **doin' the "Happy Dance"** Great read, thanks.

06/23/2006 08:43 am
I totally love this!

05/21/2006 02:50 am
Lovely chapter - I enjoyed it and can't wait to see what happens next!

05/18/2006 03:49 am
need this case to prove myself - Worse and worse, a baby lawyer.

05/17/2006 05:14 am
fun read. buffy still doesn't realize she is not where she should be. thanks for the read.

05/17/2006 12:29 am
hmmm...very weird...things looking bleak for buffy...maybe it's all a big trick by the first.... or read more like, *NOW*... !! :)

05/16/2006 11:59 pm
I'm thinking that Buffy might be better off talking to Norman than sitting there silently hoping it will just get better by itself.

Thank you. I'm definitely looking forward to the next chapter.

05/16/2006 11:33 pm
I think Buffy better lose that attitude or she'll be in one big heap of trouble on top of the trouble she's already in! *G*. I am looking forward to seeing where this delight is going.
