Love Awakened by slaymesoftly
Chapter: three

11/13/2007 05:06 am
*growls at Xander*

*giggles at Spike's incredulous-ness* (Yeah, new word.) You MUM brought me blood? Hee!

I like the new word! LOL

02/19/2007 07:19 pm
Buffy is right if Spike has to be staked he deserves a Slayer doing it.

He doesn't seem to be greaving that much without Drusilla
oh, he's grieving - it's going to take him a while to be cheerful

01/14/2007 10:18 am
Oh, what tender exchange between them. They've both lost so much and to find solace in each other company is comforting. Can't wait to see this meeting between Spike and Joyce. I've alway's loved their relationship in canon. Just hated the loss, it was to Spike as I did to Buffy and Dawn. Wonderful chapter, thanks.
Thank you for all the detailed reviews. I'm so glad you like it.

06/29/2006 06:22 pm
I love this interaction between them -- its so -- they're connecting, in the way I think only the two of them can. Both are unique in their worlds and they are kindred spirits, which you've shown to wonderful effect here.
Thank you. I'm so glad it's working for you. I so want it to be organic and believable.

06/06/2006 09:52 pm
Lovely update! I enjoyed it - can't believe Joyce was the one to buy blood. Great update really intense!

05/22/2006 08:42 am
Love Buffy buying Spike blood with money she got off of her mother. Such a very teenager thing to do. Love this tentative relationship they're developing.

05/21/2006 10:24 pm
Gee - I'm really liking nice, thoughtful Buffy. What a change.

What’s wrong with me - really know how to turn the screws don't you, slayme?
I try. LOL

05/21/2006 10:24 pm
I am really liking the friendship that is developing between Buffy and Spike, and the honesty between them. I really like how she told Xander off and how she expressed to him why she had no problem with giving Ethan to Spike.
Yeah, my Buffy is bit more willing to stand up for herself, isn't she?

05/20/2006 10:52 pm
I like the baby steps. Lovely.
Thanks. It's seem more realistic to me than having her jump his bones.

05/20/2006 10:40 pm brought tears to my eyes and warm fuzzies to my heart...really! :) this was an awesome chapter, i feel so bad for spike...i'd love to see his meeting joyce ;)
coming right up!

05/20/2006 04:55 pm
Completely beautiful. I adore this. The budding friendship is such a sweet thing to watch/read.
thanks for the regular reviews. I hope you continue to like it.

05/20/2006 12:16 pm
Love the friendship that has begun. Can't wait for Joyce to meet and get to know Spike. Hope Giles will be intrigued and give him a chance. REALLY love this story.

I always felt that Buffy would have reacted much better (and open mindedly) to Spike had she REALLY gotten to know him before Angel left her for LA and all the other bad losses hadn't happened to harden her heart. She seemed to still be open even after sending Angel to hell, it was his walking out that slammed some door in her heart IMHO.

I do too. She didn't begin life as a suspicious bitch. Events happened that hardened her heart, so if she was rid of Angel before she had time for the angst of the relationship to really set in, I think she would be more open to caring about someone else.

05/20/2006 09:19 am
very good read. looking forward to joyce meeting spike. who do you think is more confused: vampire or slayer? thanks for the fantastic read
I'd say they are both pretty surprised to find themselves where they are.

05/20/2006 09:00 am
You are truly a remarkable writer! I love every word in this tale. Will be watching to see the developing relationship. Thank you for another fine fic.
*blush* Thank you. The relationship will be developing, I assure you.

05/20/2006 07:37 am
I like how spike missed her! I just like your Spike, period. *looks around* Dammit, no more to read. *sighs*

05/20/2006 07:02 am
Another grate story in progress here! I will egarly awat the next update.
Thanks - hope you continue to enjoy

05/20/2006 03:43 am
Awesome chapter. Very sweet interaction between Spuffy.