Bag of Bones by Shadowlass
Chapter: Nine

09/04/2006 05:12 pm
thunks head - buffy can you not see that willow loves you and wants to make it better? Obviously it is not her (unless i am wrong of course lol) great chappie

05/23/2006 08:44 am
beat her down! beat her down! lol

05/23/2006 05:23 am
I'm glad that Buffy finally had a talk with Dawn, hopefully things will improve with them. I love the friendship and openness that Buffy is giving Spike. I am looking forward to the next chapter and Buffy’s conversation with Willow. Thanks for the update, I really enjoyed it.

05/23/2006 03:54 am
very good read, thank you. buffy seems to have, as she occasionally does, jumped to the wrong conclusion