Lessons in Love by Spikez_tart
Chapter: Who's Brave Enough?

01/10/2008 09:17 pm
OH I hope they can stop Xander from staking Spike and what is Angel going to say.
Angel's a pouf. Who cares what he has to say on any given subject?

06/06/2006 07:51 pm
giggles hehehehe i likey i likey - cordy so rocks in this story
It was a sad day for Sunnydale when she and Harmony left.

05/28/2006 06:50 pm
Just like Cordy not to leave well enough alone.
You can't take chances with a lunkhead like Buffy.

05/24/2006 01:19 am
And then Xander rushed forward, tripped and staked himself and no one cared *G*.

Excellent story update. Stupid Buffy....this might have actually worked you know, telling her she couldn't have him...hum....

I guess Anya would have cared, although it's hard to see why. thanks for the review.

05/23/2006 11:17 am
I just knew Cordelia had her own agenda! Nice one! And hey Xander's doing the deed for her!
Doesn't Cordelia always have an agenda. That's why we love her. Thanks for the review.

05/23/2006 05:31 am
First Xander and now Angel is coming, Buffy will really have to be brave and stick with what she wants. I can’t believe what a pain Xander is being, okay I can believe it, right now he is the one that deserves to be punched in the nose. As for Cordy, I am looking forward to how the rest of her plans work out. Thanks for the great update.
I think Xander must be the person (after Giles) that Buffy is the most afraid to tell. Dawn likes Spike, so no problem; Willow will go along, Tara was okay, so that leaves the boys to give her a hard time. Thanks for the review.