Broken Things by TalesofSpike
Chapter: Chapter 1

08/19/2006 01:28 pm
Very exciting chapter! Spike's chip didn't fire! That's what happened when Glory headbutted him. Doubt if he will feed but you never know, he jumped Harm when he was corporal, so going to find out. Great read, thanks.
Lol... again I guess you know by now.

Thanks again and glad you're enjoying.

07/12/2006 01:41 am
eeck!!! *hides eyes*

awesome chapter!! i always love joyce and spike scenes!
Re-reading this myself in preparation for starting on the next chapter at the same time as I answer you (just in case you're wondering why it's taking so long for each reply). It helps. Now I know why you're hiding your eyes. Definitely understandable.

I have to admit I rather like Spike & Joyce together myself.

05/31/2006 05:43 am
kill him spike, sort it out later. probably not the brightest move, but do it. just personal choice. love the story, thanks for the great read.
Honestly, there's part of me really want him to... As long as the knight's alive he's a threat to Dawn's safety, even if he can't do the harm himself. So far, I haven't been able to make up my mind, but I have to finish the next chapter of Unfinished Business before I can go back to this one in any case.

Thank you!

05/30/2006 09:57 am
That hard knock he took broke the tempting as it is, though, Buffy would stake him in a heartbeat if he killed this guy. And then, he wouldn't be able to protect Joyce and Dawn.

Time to make a choice.
Buffy might be persuaded if Spike made a good enough case for the knight being a danger to Dawn. In canon she'd be killing knights soon enough, and this one death could save all the others by keeping the knights in ignorance.

It's definitely not as simple as killing the human=evil=>stake Spike, but, yeah, it's time to make a decision.

Thank you so much for taking the time to comment. I'm glad you're enjoying it so far.

05/30/2006 08:36 am
Oh wow Spike’s chip stopped working, hopefully this will allow him to prove to Buffy that he has really changed and that it is not just the chip holding him back. I really love his and Joyce’s relationship and I really like how their scene together showcased this. I’m really looking forward to this story.
Thank you, honey!

Here's hoping things work out how you want in the end. Of course, since it's Spike (and since Buffy has all her prejudices still intact) we can pretty much guarantee that it won't all be smooth sailing, but at least he has Joyce there to help point him in the right direction this time around.

05/30/2006 01:42 am
ooooo I am hooked! More please. I'm thinking the chip stopped working when Glory knocked Spike across the won't be pleased with that bit of news.

Well, there are some other options which Spike might need to rule out, but you may well be right. As for Buffy's reaction, it may take him a lttle while to tell her.

Thanks so much for taking the time to comment. I'm glad you're enjoying it.

05/30/2006 01:05 am
wow! so glory's blow disabled his chip!! wow! awesome!!hope he doesn't kill the guy, though, for the sake of his relationship with buffy and her family...loving this story so far..awesome job ;)
Time will tell. There are actually pretty strong arguments either way, since he represents a very real threat to Dawn's safety, not just in terms of him personally, but the fact he could set the knights as a whole onto her... All of which means I haven't definitively made up my mind, yet.

Thanks again for taking the time to comment. It's appreciated.

05/29/2006 09:48 pm
Ooh. Can't wait to see what happens next. Enjoying this story immensely.
Thank you! I hope the rest of it lives up to expectations.

05/29/2006 09:21 pm
Cool prologue, and first chappy. Hope spike doesn't do anything stupid.
Thanks! I'm glad you're enjoying it so far. Spike? Do something stupid? As if!