Life Eternal by Kyra Storm
Chapter: A Single Event Can Have Infinitely Many Interpretations

10/23/2006 12:06 pm
wow incrediable - I am sorry to see Rupert die, but it made sense. Very sad but captivating chapter - this is really good!

07/07/2006 12:11 am
So many questions in this near heart-pounding tale. Just a little humor when Spike asked Angel where Myoko put her sword. What Shadow didn't figure on was Spike and his amazing love for her, she's not totally made of stone anymore. Another amazing chapter.

06/30/2006 08:57 am
I found this first on the BS diaries site and loved it. I'm soo glad i found it here and that you are still writing it! Can't wait to see how your going to finish this. Is Shadow gonna get his ass kicked by Buffy? Please!?

06/23/2006 07:48 pm
Fantastic cliffhanger. Ooohhhh...more please!

Liz B.
06/21/2006 06:34 pm
I found your story via the Spuffy Awards and read it straight through. Quite the nail-biter you have going.

I really think you are doing an excellent job of portraying the characters as fully developed three dimensional "people" which is so often lacking in many stories. You have managed to avoid the trap of characters that have one emotion/reaction and then beat it to death. Your characters are well-rounded and have more depth than that.

And because your characterization is sooo good, your story is able to maintain a plot that is complicated, multi-dimensional, and exciting. Actions and reactions are unknown quantities and not merely cliches but they also feel right.

Thanks for your efforts in sharing this great story with me.


06/02/2006 05:26 am
fantastic update. enjoy that will, blue and spike knew at the same time. saves so many arguments. thanks for the wonderful read.

05/31/2006 04:06 pm
oh wow things are heating up now! *squees and bounces*

05/31/2006 02:27 am
Awesome update Kyra! I love how the team is starting to gel together.

05/30/2006 11:38 pm
Well, at least no one has to spend a lot of time convincing the rest of the group. Can't wait to see what happens next.

05/30/2006 07:18 pm
Now the fight is on....this should be good :)