The Subtle Notes In-Between by Schehrezade
Chapter: Chapter Seven

06/07/2006 02:50 pm
whoa! :)'s got some major confidence there...sneaky little chit :) excellent story :)

09/23/2005 01:05 pm
~*~Tasha~*~ 05/05/2005 @ 06:48 pm Email Wicked place to leave us hanging. Poor Spike needs to feed, but he doesn't want to take any of Buffy's blood. I'm sure Buffy will get him over that fear. {chuckles} Look forward to the next update.

09/23/2005 12:58 pm
ElizabethAnneSummers 05/05/2005 @ 09:07 pm Email URL Not his hair!! AHHHHHH!!! *dies of mortification*

09/23/2005 12:43 pm
Lissa 05/08/2005 @ 11:52 am Wonderful job!