Love Continued by slaymesoftly
Chapter: Two

11/13/2007 05:35 am
Spike to the rescue... yay! Giles really does need to look into buying that clue. *sigh*

07/17/2006 02:33 am
Come on. Giles is from a family of watchers can't believe that he didn't know. I guess he had no idea that they had a relationship. Good for Spike, now to fight Kralik and the watchers. Suspenseful chapter.
thanks - yes, Kralik must be dealt with.

07/02/2006 05:37 pm
just catching up. can't wait to read 3.

06/30/2006 08:20 pm
And despite his anger, Spike leaves Giles alone. So obviously very different from another soul-free vampire. . .
Hee! Already he's afraid of the wrath of Buffy.

06/19/2006 10:10 am
I am so glad that Spike got through to Giles, he can be very persuasive. :D I have a funny feeling that Giles isn’t as in the clear as he might think and that things won’t go as smoothly either. Thanks for the great chapter.
Thanks for reading. :D

06/19/2006 08:27 am
Well, Spike intends to save the day, wonder if that will go as planned. Love the questioning Giles is doing about everything right now. Great chapter. Please, update soon!
It's Spike. Things never go quite like he planned....

06/18/2006 10:35 pm
good update, thanks. giles is an idiot, he thinks he is in the clear.
"he thinks he is in the clear" Yeah, good luck with that. lol

06/18/2006 05:59 pm
Okay, you're right. Spike should kill Giles. More please. This is great.
LOL. thanks

06/18/2006 03:55 pm
What a dense Giles -- and such a cool Spike! So decisive. I like it.
Thank you.

06/18/2006 12:45 pm
Yay for Spike. Giles can be such a fool sometimes. GREAT chapter :]]

06/18/2006 07:32 am
Go Spike! Love that he was the one ot open Giles' eyes to the council.
Welcome to the real world, Giles...thanks for reading.

06/18/2006 05:26 am
awesome chapter!! loved the confrontation, can't wait to see what Spike does to the council!

06/18/2006 03:58 am
Ok, it's official! Giles is sooo on my poo poo list. Grrrr. Here's hoping that Joyce lays into him like I want to. For such an intelligent man, he sure is rather naive where the Council is concerned. And yay! for Spike swooping in to the rescue. ^_^and why he was abandoning the idea...That would be because Spike showed him the error of his ways. *grin*
*grin* Yep, had a lot to do with it. Joyce has some vengeance in store for him - trust me.

06/18/2006 03:24 am
I'm thinking it's not going to be that easy, unless this is to be a really short segment.
It's never that easy, is it? lol

06/18/2006 03:22 am
lol, excellent chppie
thankee, sir

06/18/2006 03:09 am
great chapter

06/18/2006 02:49 am
Well, at least Giles isn't a complete idiot. But I suspect he'll tell Buffy about Spike, and then she'll end up searching him out. (:
Not completely.

06/18/2006 02:47 am
Awesome chappy. Silly Giles thinking that his welcome at the Summers' residence is going to be joyful.

06/18/2006 02:26 am
i'm glad giles listened to him -- i always liked giles, but sometimes he was a glad he's doing the smart thing here, and can't wait to see what happens when spike sees buffy again :)
Nothing like have a master vampire angry at you to clear your thinking...:)