Who Am I? by SciFi_GK
Chapter: Chapter 1 - Wigsome

07/03/2010 02:33 pm

11/06/2006 10:32 pm
very intriging start to the fic - cant wait to see what happens next
Thanks for stopping by. As soon as Muse lets me know where to go...we'll go there. ;-)

07/15/2006 07:51 pm
well done :)

07/12/2006 09:33 am
Sorry it took me awhile to get around to this one, been wanting to read it. Looks really good can't wait to get caught up. Thanks.

06/28/2006 07:49 pm
Oh very nice! Like this idea! I enjoyed Buffy's inner thoughts, well done.

06/28/2006 10:41 am
Great start I can really understand you wanting to keep in the scene of Faith and Spike, I also loved it. I love that Buffy was able to fight back and escape at the point of the accident. I am really looking forward to how she manages to switch bodies with Spike, and the results of everything else that is going on.

06/26/2006 04:09 am
that was a much better thing to have happen than what actually happened :P great, exciting start .. can't wait to read more :)

06/26/2006 03:08 am
wonderful beginning, thanks for the read.

06/26/2006 12:29 am
Major beta embarassment. How'd I miss this one. wretch - should be retch.

Great story, Sci.
Well, I suppose "wretch-inducing" isn't exactly correct...though, I'm sure she felt like a wretch. LOL. Fixed, though. Thanks.

06/25/2006 08:05 pm
great start. I can't wait for more, I'm really looking forward to seeing how things change.

Spikes Slayer2
06/25/2006 01:10 pm
awww i like the start of this!!

06/25/2006 12:53 pm
I am really looking forward to the Spike-Buffy switch! Update soon.You are the best!

06/25/2006 12:47 pm
Wow, brilliant start! I can't wait to see where you go with this fic.

06/25/2006 12:38 pm
Absolutely brilliant start. love your Buffy's thoughts and expression. Looking forward to reading more. Fantastic on making a start!!!