Shine Down by LadyYashka
Chapter: Chapter Four: Sick Of Life

10/31/2008 06:23 am
Cool so far, Buffy is a bitch(Im a Spuffy fan) so if/when you get them together Spike better give her hell.
Thanks. :)

09/13/2006 02:42 am
I love how well you showed the difference between Dawn and Buffy and how they allow others to influence them. Dawn did it once and has always regretted not fixing the situation afterwards, Buffy still follows the influence of her friends.

07/14/2006 08:27 pm
Lots of hardwork went into this story then. It shows. What's Spike hiding? Buffy's got issues. I love Dawn(yay! Don't always get a chance to eben though I'm a fan of Dawn-Spike friendship)

07/03/2006 09:26 pm
one more on spike's side. good read, thanks

07/03/2006 07:13 am
good...another ally for spike...the reactions of the scoobies, including buffy, made me furious...after all he did for them!! another excellent update, i'm urgently waiting for more :)
I'm glad you like the story! The Scoobies were always so closed minded on the show. They could nearly kill each other and end the wolrd but Spike was beneath them. I also would have been nicer to Buffy, if she hadn't kissed Angel. I plan on making her work for Spike. =)

Spikes Slayer2
07/02/2006 03:45 pm
LOL i know just how she feels.. a flight from sydney to rome takes 23 hours and i can tell you that it was horrible getting off smelling horrid and needing a wash! LOL

great chapters!!!
Some one else who understands! As I mentioned at the bottom of the chapter, a flight from Houston to Singapore with layovers is 30hrs. You lose a day going and gain a day coming back.(Singapore is 13hrs ahead of Houston, Tx) I remember feeling rather gooey and the jet lag was fun.(not)

Glad you liked it! =)