Testing Please by Glory
Chapter: 13

10/17/2006 10:50 am
Love her like this. Giving and sweet and caring of his feelings. Can't wait to see what Travers has got up his evil sleeve. Another wonderful chapter. Thanks.

10/17/2006 04:04 am
i hate travers. Hate him. I hope spike gets the chip out and eats him.

07/15/2006 07:43 pm
great chapter

07/05/2006 02:14 am
Glad you got back to this story, but now you've left us all in another lurch. Also congrats on the graduation and the job!! Hope it doesn't interfere too much with your Spuffy fix.

07/05/2006 02:13 am

07/05/2006 01:48 am
Congratulations on finishing school I know how much that can take out of you. As for the update, I really enjoyed it. I love the intimacy that Buffy is experiencing with Spike and I am looking forward to their little talk.

07/04/2006 08:42 pm
good read, thanks. glad you are back and congratulations!

07/04/2006 03:17 pm
Fabulous to see this updated! Travers and his three tests - what a miserable old git!

07/04/2006 02:46 pm
oh i hate the council and their tests...so glad buffy is trying to make spike feel accepted...i feel so bad for him all trying to make himself as unobtrusive as possible and such...so glad she was sweet to him...cant wait for more :)

07/04/2006 11:18 am
Die Travers, die...

07/04/2006 09:51 am
Interesting Story, i like it. Bit of Action, lots of Romance, all in all very good. Please keep writing.

07/04/2006 06:16 am
So happy to see you back. Glad life's going well.

07/04/2006 05:59 am
Great chapter, glad to see more of this story. Thanks

07/04/2006 05:47 am
Welcome back, and nice update. I wonder what the next test will be...

07/04/2006 05:32 am
Getting even more interesting. Congratulations on graduating. Good luck with your future.