Trusting You by DreamsofSpike
Chapter: The Theory

07/09/2006 03:49 am
I love how insightful Spike was about the reason Buffy is doing this, she wants to break his trust in her because she doesn't trust herself not to hurt him. That makes about as much sense as stubbing your toe so you cut it off. I really hope that Spike can reach her before she does something that she will end up forever regretting and not only emotionally destroying him but possibly anything positive that is left in her.
thanx, glad you like it...she's definitely doing more harm than good...but we'll see how far it goes...

07/08/2006 11:51 am
Yeah, tell it true, Spike!  Great chapter.
thanx :)

07/08/2006 04:19 am
Bad buffy, bad *smacks her*

07/08/2006 02:24 am
I really hope Spike can get through to Buffy before he really gets hurt. She better really listen to his words and to her HEART.
we'll see :)

07/08/2006 12:05 am
JL, you scared me there for a minute. Even Buffy isn't that cruel.
no...but she doesn't know that yet

07/07/2006 11:37 pm
That's what I feared.. Buffy will make Spike leave her. Well she tried and is on her way to do it. ~ I wonder what Buffy will say to Spike's theory.
thanx :)

07/07/2006 10:15 pm
Well, he's certainly hit the nail on the head.
doesn't he always?

07/07/2006 09:47 pm
Arghh!!!! Is she going to leave him or isn't she?? The thing is, I believe that Buffy can be cold-hearted enough to leave after that speech (the 'how much it means' one). She has proved it again and again that she is able to be cruel no matter what has happened previously or what is in her heart. I just really hope that this story will have a happy ending.
yeah, she's just too convinced of her own bad nature..she *came back wrong*...but my stories pretty much always have happy endings :)

07/07/2006 09:17 pm
fine read, thanks. buffy is on the edge.
yep thanx :)

07/07/2006 09:12 pm
So caught up in her delusions, she doesn't even realize that she already made successful love choices last night when she was honest and real with him, letting him love her as he's always wanted to.
That's really what Buffy doesn't get, that love isn't about feelings, it's about choices, and she's just as capable of good choices as any other sentient being. Love is a verb, it's about actions - and Spike is right on the money about her fear. This night had nothing to do with Spike. It's all about her brain.
you're exactly right...she's out-psyching herself, and she'll lose everything if she's not careful..

07/07/2006 07:51 pm
BSV went fatal-error-mumbo-jumbo on me so had to review this on SR but i'll do it again:
This chappie made me want to cry (for Spike mostly.No one writes spuffy angst like you do. every time I read a fic of yours i fall in love with spuffy and Spike all over again. you totally rule!
thanx so much for your very kind words :)

07/07/2006 05:25 pm
Interesting! Can't wait for more.
thanx :)

07/07/2006 05:25 pm
i really hope you're planning on buffy waking up soon...maybe spike's theory will help her make up her mind
we'll see :)

07/07/2006 05:23 pm
I don't care that she hasn't done it yet, just the fact she planed on leaving him there is disgustingly cruel. I don't care what her reasons are, I've reached the point where I'm hoping he'll dump her. The girl needs a psychiatrist, that what she needs. Although, maybe Spike's on the right track with his little theory. I'm not sure anything he would say could snap her out of her delusions though. So we'll see. Excellent angst by the way =)
she is majorly hurting him here...but we'll see what happens :)

07/07/2006 04:10 pm
Please don't let Buffy break his heart. This is heartwrenching.
thanx :)

07/07/2006 03:05 pm
Wow! The convultuted turns her mind takes. I am in awe. Actually, I'm curious if you have anykind of RL background in psychology/therapy, b/c the emotions and revelations seem very insightful, and very real. She's really underestimated him. Can't wait for the next update.
a bit, actually...all amateur and unofficial mind you, but pscyhology is a fascinating subject to me and i've learned quite a bit...thanx for the great review :)

07/07/2006 02:47 pm
If she doesn't know by now that Spike will stay there-until he's *dust* just because she wants him to...then that *clears throat*... Slayer doesn't deserve him!
you're quite right...but she never was the most perceptive one was she?

07/07/2006 02:26 pm
ah don't yer love him he still trust her after she tied him up again hope she gonna work out soon theres nothing she can do to break his trust in her not to hurt him
she's swiftly approaching that point :) thanx